Ben Ferguson is not your typical half pipe rider. In a world where riders used to ride every type of terrain, the athletes today seem more specialized, especially the competition athletes. But Ben only competes because he can, He's a snowboarder first, who has the talent in the pipe that generates exposure, sponsorship dollars and everything else that goes along with being an Olympic level rider. The cool thing about Ben is he doesn’t care about any of that, he’s all about the riding, man.
Ben Ferguson Show Notes:
2:00: His two projects that are out this year, 10 Barrel perks and Bend
6:45: Team sports, snowboarding, and getting put into a program
11:45: Contests as a kid, nationals, and Burton
15:17: Us Open, parental support and competitiveness
19:30: Evo (Use the code TPM10 for 10% off at checkout)
RESQWATER (enter the code resqwatertpm for a 20% discount on a 12 pack)
Outdoor Research: (Get 15% off you’re order with the checkout code POWELL15)
22:00: What is High School like for him, concussions, and energy
25:30: Olympic lead up, contests, and Dew Tour
30:00: Did he think he had a chance to make the Olympics, and the X-Games
36:00: Spy Optics: Get 20% off on their site using the code TPM20.
The 10 Barrel Brewery: My favorite is 'Out of Office' Pilsner
36:30: Filming with Travis Rice, getting out there, and pipe riders having movie parts
44:00: Money, Olympics 2.0. and Shaun White
54:00: 4th Place at the Olympics and the next Olympics
56:00: Inappropriate Questions with Mike Yoshida