No event compares to Red Bull Rampage. If I tried to describe how insane it was, I wouldn’t be able to do it justice. What I was able to do was talk to 12 riders, and some legends to get the inside scoop on the venue, the athletes and the history of an event everyone must see in person at least once.
Rampage Show Notes:
5:05: Cam McCall
9:33: Derek Westerlund
16:32: Josh Bender
18:10: Kurt Sorge
19:09: Graham Agassiz
22:24: Evo (Use the code TPM10 for 10% off at checkout)
RESQWATER (enter the code resqwatertpm for a 20% discount on a 12 pack)
Outdoor Research: (Get 15% off you’re order with the checkout code POWELL15)
24:20: Brett Rheeder
26:26: Christian Pondella
28:39: Fairclough’s Digger
30:22: Michelle Parker
31:43: Ryan Runke
32:48: Darren Berreclaugh
34:15: Brett Rheeder
35:16: Carson Storch
36:40: Aggy
38:25: Spy Optics: Get 20% off on their site using the code TPM20.
The 10 Barrel Brewery: My favorite is 'Out of Office' Pilsner
40:20: Jordie Lunn
41:41: Adolf Silva and Reed Boggs
42:59: Kyle Strait
44:38: Cam Zink
46:25: Brett Tippy
48:14: Kurt Sorge
49:07: Brandon Semenuk
49:55: TVS
50:52: Sal Masekala
Ryan Runke has an insane resume but his path to becoming a successful sports agent is as far from traditional as it gets. Runke looks different, acts different, and has done things his way for a long time and it seems to be working. On the podcast we talk his team sports days, transitioning to a dirtbag team manager and who morphed into a professional agent to the actin sports stars. They don’t make many like Runke...
Ryan Runke Show Notes:
2:00 Growing up in Kansas as a jock and then getting into skateboarding
7:30: What do his parents think when he moves to Colorado and making the untraditional way
10:00: Colorado, shop life, and getting a gig with a travel guide
14:15: Evo (Use the code TPM10 for 10% off at checkout)
RESQWATER (enter the code resqwatertpm for a 20% discount on a 12 pack)
Outdoor Research: (Get 15% off you’re order with the checkout code POWELL15)
16:25: Hood, Shop life in Colorado and having a kid
21:00: Moving to California and getting a gig with Velvet and Version
24:30: Getting bought by K2, getting hired by K2, and the K2 Days
33:15: Spy Optics: Get 20% off on their site using the code TPM20.
The 10 Barrel Brewery: My favorite is 'Out of Office' Pilsner
34:30: Moving to VT, Rome, and real snowboard companies
40:00: Red Bull, The Art Of Flight, and money
46:00: Agent life, what it’s like to win a gold medal
50:00: Inappropriate Questions
Ben Ferguson is not your typical half pipe rider. In a world where riders used to ride every type of terrain, the athletes today seem more specialized, especially the competition athletes. But Ben only competes because he can, He's a snowboarder first, who has the talent in the pipe that generates exposure, sponsorship dollars and everything else that goes along with being an Olympic level rider. The cool thing about Ben is he doesn’t care about any of that, he’s all about the riding, man.
Ben Ferguson Show Notes:
2:00: His two projects that are out this year, 10 Barrel perks and Bend
6:45: Team sports, snowboarding, and getting put into a program
11:45: Contests as a kid, nationals, and Burton
15:17: Us Open, parental support and competitiveness
19:30: Evo (Use the code TPM10 for 10% off at checkout)
RESQWATER (enter the code resqwatertpm for a 20% discount on a 12 pack)
Outdoor Research: (Get 15% off you’re order with the checkout code POWELL15)
22:00: What is High School like for him, concussions, and energy
25:30: Olympic lead up, contests, and Dew Tour
30:00: Did he think he had a chance to make the Olympics, and the X-Games
36:00: Spy Optics: Get 20% off on their site using the code TPM20.
The 10 Barrel Brewery: My favorite is 'Out of Office' Pilsner
36:30: Filming with Travis Rice, getting out there, and pipe riders having movie parts
44:00: Money, Olympics 2.0. and Shaun White
54:00: 4th Place at the Olympics and the next Olympics
56:00: Inappropriate Questions with Mike Yoshida
Pro Skier Sean Pettit’s career started with a move from Quebec to Whistler. From there, he became a child prodigy, the freeride kid who could do anything on his skis. We pick up our conversation from 2016 (I include 10 minutes of our old conversation for background) and talk about his focus from skiing to snowboarding, injury, his lifestyle clothing brand and more.
Sean Pettit Show Notes
2:00: How quickly he became pro and how that happened
5:00: Struggling in Whistler, getting sponsored and being smaller
13:00: Superproof and Red Bull
16:45: Evo (Use the code TPM10 for 10% off at checkout)
RESQWATER (enter the code resqwatertpm for a 20% discount on a 12 pack)
Outdoor Research: (Get 15% off you’re order with the checkout code POWELL15)
19:00: Sean’s house today, cliffhangers, and hurting his knee snowboarding
27:38: Skipping a movie part for Instagram and what his sponsors thought of it
33:00: Superproof, his ‘Keep your Tips Up’ reality show, and working the carnival circuit
40:00: Contracts and snowboarding
45:00: Spy Optics: Get 20% off on their site using the code TPM20.”
The 10 Barrel Brewery: My favorite is 'Out of Office' Pilsner
46:30: Powder’s article about Pettit and sponsors thoughts on snowboarding
52:30: Michael Jordan comparison and what’s next
57:00: Inappropriate Questions
Angel Collinson was born into the ski world. She grew up in Snowbird employee housing, where she honed her race skills enough to barely not make the US Ski Team. With racing over, college and big mountain skiing competitions took over. Skiing won. Over the years there have been a lot of women who have pushed the envelope on snow but Angel transcends gender….she’s just a bad ass skier who charges harder than anyone these past few years…guy or girl. Her story is not what you expect…..
Angel Collinson Show Notes:
2:00: What is she up to in AK, Social media and tinder
8:00: Growing up in Snowbird Employee Housing, missing out on stuff, and raising her kids
14:00: Ski racing
16:40: Evo (Use the code TPM10 for 10% off at checkout)
RESQWATER (enter the code resqwatertpm for a 20% discount on a 12 pack)
Outdoor Research: (Get 15% off you’re order with the checkout code POWELL15)
18:00: Home schooling, not making the US Ski Team, College, and partying
31:40: Freeskiing
35:40: Spy Optics: Get 20% off on their site using the code TPM20.
The 10 Barrel Brewery: My favorite is Out of Office Pilsner
37:00: The difference between racing and freeskiing, sponsorship, and dropping out of school
44:00: Ryan Hawks, Tanner Hall, and graduating to film
49:00: TGR, the difference between guys and girls in the mountains and her role in skiing
57:00: Singing and burning man
60:00: Inappropriate Questions with Hadley Hammer