Torin Yater-Wallace had to overcome more challenges than anyone I’ve talked to. From growing up with a dad in prison, to moving countess times as a kid, to injuries, to a sickness that became so bad that he was medically paralyzed for 10 days. Through all of this, Torin had skiing and all his dreams revolved around becoming a professional. With all the cards stacked against him, Torin never quit or felt sorry for himself and made his dreams happen. The funny thing is, listening to the podcast, it doesn’t even sound like he likes halfpipe skiing.
Torin Yater-Wallace Show Notes:
2:34: Qualifying for the 2018 Olympics
7:50: What is going on with his foot and does he think about the future
12:00: Video parts and halfpipe skiers
16:00: Evo (Use the code TPM10 for 10% off at checkout) and RESQWATER (enter the code resqwatertpm for a 20% discount on a 12 pack)
17:30: Born and raised in Basalt Colorado and talking about his dad going away to prison.
22:57: Growing up in the Aspen Valley and chasing the dream of becoming a pro skier with his mom.
28:00: Gatorade Free Flow Tour and making a name for himself
30:00: Armada fake recruiting trip
34:04: Getting connected with Target, his first X-Games and his sponsors Red Bull, Armada, Giro, Toyota , DaKine, Look Bindings, Aspen Snowmass , Comcast/Xfinity and Smuckers
38:50: How much can he make as a skier in his best year?
41:45: 10Barrel Brewery and The Summit at Snoqualmie (use the code Powell18 to get pre-season pass prices)
43:00: He’s a normal kid, did his life feel like a rollercoaster and the whole dry needle collapsed lung saga
50:00: Back To Life Movie A must see documentary (produced by Clayton Vila) about Torin, and his mom’s cancer diagnosis
55:43: His Olympic experience and partying
59:00: The worst case of strep throat in the history of Olympic Pipe skiers