Julian Carr is arguably the most interesting person in skiing. Between his gigantic airs that defy what is humanly possible, to his first of its kind in the US trail running events, The Cirque Series, to his Blake’s Bronco project, which landed him a deal with Ford, Julian has made a habit of turning his passions into his life’s work…both personally and professionally. In part 2 of the podcast, we discuss the details behind big air; the 210-footer in Engelberg, Parker Cook, asks the Inappropriate Questions.
Julian Carr Part 2 Show Notes:
3:00: Things his hair predicts, general big air questions, and BASE and skydiving.
15:00: Fear, sponsor expectations, photo pricing, do you make money from photos,
22:00: Rollerblade: They invented inline skating and make the best skates on the planet.
Best Day Brewing: All of the flavor of your favorite IPA or Kolsch, without the alcohol, the calories and sugar.
Elan Skis: Over 75 years of innovation that makes you better.
24:30: Winning X Games Gold, current sponsors, the most he’s made, not being greedy and that paying off, photo incentive/travel budget, and breaking up with brands.
32:00: Icelantic, selling Discrete, and the 210 cliff in Engelberg
45:00: High Cascade Snowboard Camp: The legendary snowboard camp
Stanley: Get 30% off site wide with the code pmovement
Peter Glenn Ski and Sports: Over 60 years of getting you out there.
48:00: His haters, the pandemic impacts his Cirque Series, and Blake’s Broncos
60:00: Inappropriate Questions with Parker Cook