Brian Aragon’s life sounded like a dream until he realized it wasn’t. He was a world champion pro skater and his video parts were as legendary as his park skills. He’s traveled the world many times over, had 6 Pro Model skates, and a skatepark named after him all before the age of 30…. And then he rolled away from it all to become the Inside Account Manager over at Arrow Electronics. Find out why on the podcast
Brian Aragon Show Notes:
2:03: What is a typical Monday for Brian and what does he do?
3:56: Retiring in his prime
5:39: Growing up in Brighton Colorado
7:50: Skateboarding and Rollerblading in 1998ish
9:00: Skating takes over in Colorado and progression
11:30: The impact of the ASA and the pros he’s looking up to at the time
14:12: Evo (listen for special offer) and Patrol USA Use TPM10 at checkout on the site and get 10% off
15:30: Getting sponsored by the Skatebarn, traveling to contests
18:12: Trying to get Brian on K2
20:14: Qualifying for the ASA Pro Tour and focusing on skating All-The-Time
23:00: Rookie of the Year and living on ASA checks
24:45: (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS 15) and RESQWATER
26:00: When does he start getting paid to skate? The Hoedown
29:49: The biggest contests he skated and his contest mentality and pressure
34:20: Park skating and street skating at the highest level
35:00: Video Parts, travel, and the video part he’s most proud of: Game Theory
36:55: Skating for Razors Skates
39:40: Fan moments on the road
40:52: Brian and the conversation around his style and judging
44:20: Looking back on being a young kid traveling with delinquents
45:20: Moving to California, pro skates and school
49:01: His thoughts on Razors getting into scooters
52:42: Thoughts on the future of skaters still in the game
53:43: Anything blading related in Brian’s future?
55:18: Brian Aragon Skatepark
56:45: Walking away on top and starting at the bottom
59:51: When was the last time he skated?