Another week, another legendary athlete. Barrett Christy didn’t start snowboarding until she was 19 years old. She was a scholarship-level team sports girl who traded her scholarship for a life-changing road trip that led her to snowboarding. On the podcast we talk about winning more X Games medals than almost anyone, competing in the Olympics, equality, money, and so much more. It’s another do not miss episode.
Barrett Christy Show Notes:
6:00: Superhuman snowboard powers, growing up in PA, and not taking her college scholarship
12:00: Dead shows, heading out west and her ski background
15:00: Snowboarding, life direction, and moving to Crested Butte
23:30: Stanley: Get 30% off site wide with the code drinkfast
10 Barrel Brewery: Buy their beers, they support action sports more than anyone
25:30: Traveling for contests, girly girl, and 94 Nationals
30:30: Alaska, competing against hero’s, equality, and X Games
48:00: COAL Headwear Use the code powell15 for 15% off
50:00: Sponsors, Nike, Michael Jordan, and money
62:00: Olympics, and Banked Slalom
69:00: Inappropriate Questions with Tricia Byrnes