Steve Nilsen, better known as Stix to everyone but his family, is a legend in the world of cans. While his career started with Airwalk in the days when it competed with Nike and Reebok, Steve then went on to have incredible jobs at Red Bull and PBR. Now, he’s now championing Liquid Death and on the podcast we talk the rad road he traveled to get his dream jobs
Steve “Stix” Nilsen Show Notes:
3:00: Minnesota, Hawaii, and surf culture
9:00: Skateboarding, Punk Rock, and sports
18:00: College, Australia, and figuring out life plans
25:30: Stanley: Get 30% off site wide with the code drinkfast
10 Barrel Brewery: Buy their beers, they support action sports more than anyone
27:30: Life changing Warped Tour, SIA, and Airwalk
35:00: Airwalk, merchandising, development, and marketing,
44:00: Peter Glenn Ski and Sport
45:00: The demise of Airwalk, getting his job with Red Bull
54:00: The business of Red Bull, creating Red Bull sized ideas, and athletes
62:00: Red Bull changing, getting his job with PBR and marketing beer
72:00: Liquid Death
75:00: Inappropriate Questions with James Clifford and LP Paul Crandell