Greg Stump has done it all; he spent time on 150 podiums during his ski career, shot with iconic filmmakers Dick Barrymore and Warren Miller, and then, decided to become a filmmaker himself. This year, Greg Joins Dick and Warren in the US Ski and Snowboard Hall of Fame. I’m willing to bet that Greg is now one of the more eccentric people in the Hall and his unique personality makes for an entertaining podcast that’s strange at times
Greg Stump Show Notes:
2:00: What happened when I was at his house and growing up in Maine and being a grom
19:00: Stanley: Get 30% off site wide with the code powell30
Evo: The best online experience in action sports with retail to back it up
686 Technical Apparel: The best outerwear in the world
21:30: Radio in High School, competing, ski camp
26:45: Winning, and meeting and The Harry Leonard Ski Shows
32:00: Dick Barrymore, Warren Miller, starting his own thing and meeting Plake
45:30: Spy Optic: Get 20% off on their site using the code TPM20
10 Barrel Brewery: Buy their beers, they support action sports more than anyone
47:15: Blizzard of Ahhs, Lynn breaks her back, Plake comes to Chamonix
56:00: Getting Glen back into the states, transitioning out of ski movies, and Hollywood
61:00: Getting into The US Ski and Snowboard Hall of Fame
72:00: Inappropriate Questions