
The Powell Movement Action Sports Podcast

This podcast is creating a living history of action sports on a weekly basis. Think ski, snowboard, skate, bike, behind the scenes players, musicians, and more.... It has all the players and gets you the details you won't find anywhere else.
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The Powell Movement Action Sports Podcast









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Dec 25, 2023

Chris King and Graham Zimmerman are two of the power players over at Outdoor Research. Chris is OR's VP of Brand, and we discuss his career that took him from behind the lens to behind the curtain. Graham is OR's Athlete Team Captain, the Athlete Director at Protect Our Winters, and one of the most accomplished climbers of the 21st century. On the podcast, we talk about his new book "A Fine Line," his journey to the mountains, and so much more. This one's a business and athlete episode.

Chris King/Graham Zimmerman Show Notes:

3:00:  When things go wrong on social media, Seattle, Golf Scholarship at Carol College in Montana, and graduating into a recession

12:00:  Financial marketing, learning how to use a camera, starting his own business in action sports, entertainment, and travel, and working with dogs at Rover

19:00:  Stanley:  Get up 60% off at

Best Day Brewing:  All of the flavor of your favorite IPA or Kolsch, without the alcohol, the calories and sugar.

Elan Skis:  Over 75 years of innovation that makes you better.

22:00:  Bamboo, Outdoor Research, managing athletes, pairing back OR productions, OR Mountain Bike, creating new fits and cuts, and competing with retailers

42:00:  Peter Glenn Ski and Sports:  Over 60 years of getting you out there. 

Outdoor Research:  Click here for 25% off Outdoor Research products (not valid on sale items or pro products)

44:00:  Graham Zimmerman, his successful PR barrage, the "Why," Team Captain at OR, Athlete Director at POW, and different types of climbing

61:00:  By all means, alpine climbing, kooks of the mountain, getting into climbing young, Yosemite SAR, dropping everything life for Alaska and suffering

74:00: How do people find out about his adventures, Free Solo, money, and sponsors

87:00:  Inappropriate Questions with Chris King

Dec 18, 2023

Part 2 with Ingrid Backstrom is a much heavier episode. Ingrid and others were changing the face of big mountain skiing, and when you take that kind of risk, there’s bound to be consequences. This week, Ingrid and I talk about working in a male-dominated industry, gender differences in the mountains, risk, losing people in the mountains, and a lot more. Elyse Saugstad asks the Inappropriate Questions.

Ingrid Backstrom Part 2 Show Notes:

3:00:  Norway Bushfield/Hoji story, male-dominated industry, differences between men and women, and sexism

10:00:  Skiing with women, business based on gender, money again, getting hurt while pregnant, saying yes, and when trips don’t work out as planned.

20:30:  Stanley:  Get up 60% off at

Best Day Brewing:  All of the flavor of your favorite IPA or Kolsch, without the alcohol, the calories and sugar.

Elan Skis:  Over 75 years of innovation that makes you better.

23:30:  Being ski famous, once in a lifetime experiences, McConkey, B.A.S.E., CR, and Arne 

39:00:  Peter Glenn Ski and Sports:  Over 60 years of getting you out there. 

Outdoor Research:  Click here for 25% off Outdoor Research products (not valid on sale items or pro products)

42:00:  Powering through emotional pain with skiing, ski mountaineering, more death, Sarah Burke, different movie companies, and being pro and having a baby/kids

60:00:  Inappropriate Questions with Elyse Saugstad


Dec 11, 2023

Ingrid Backstrom ushered in a new era of women’s big mountain skiing when her award-winning segment in Matchstick Productions’ “Yearbook” set the ski world on fire. While she was her high school valediction, Ingrid parlayed her academic scholarship into a life-changing time on the Whitman ski team. Then she graduated, dropped out of the real world, moved to Palisades, and became one of the faces of skiing in the 2000’s. It’s part 1 of an incredible story, and Jessica Sobolowski-Quinn asks the Inappropriate Questions.

Ingrid Backstrom Show Notes:

3:00:  String of bad luck for the ages, Crystal Mountain, keeping busy all the time, high school, and college scholarship and ski team

20:30:  Stanley:  Get up 60% off  at

Best Day Brewing:  All of the flavor of your favorite IPA or Kolsch, without the alcohol, the calories and sugar.

Elan Skis:  Over 75 years of innovation that makes you better.

23:30:  Challenges of college, ski culture, summer skiing, quitting the real world, contests, sponsorship, and FWT Palisades 2009  

41:00:  Peter Glenn Ski and Sports:  Over 60 years of getting you out there. 

Outdoor Research:  Click here for 25% off Outdoor Research products (not valid on sale items or pro products)

43:00:  Losing her passport, US Extremes, Matchstick, McConkey, Bella Coola, pressure, fear,

67:00:  Inappropriate Questions with Jessica Sobolowski-Quinn

Dec 4, 2023

Todd Jones has defined what action sports looks like to the masses and, more importantly, to the core of these sports in the most authentic way. He’s been doing it for 30 years, and his baby, Teton Gravity Research, continues to reinvent itself with new product categories, a network of retail stores, the community they’ve built online since ’96, and their movies featuring the greatest athletes. In Part 2 of the podcast, we pick up where we left off and talk about the movies, the athletes, and the stories. Greg Stump asks the Inappropriate Questions.

Todd Jones Part 2 Show Notes:

3:00:  The Tangerine Dream, division of labor, getting sponsors at SIA Vegas, and the snowboard side of the tradeshow.

13:00:  Fat skis, Seth Morrison, and were there hard lines between franchise athletes?

21:00:  Stanley: Get up 60% off site wide until 12/4 over at

Best Day Brewing:  All of the flavor of your favorite IPA or Kolsch, without the alcohol, the calories and sugar.

Elan Skis:  Over 75 years of innovation that makes you better.

24:30:  Going behind the lens full time because of deliverables, blowing the shot, showing The Continuum, distribution, and the model they have been building and evolving for talent

42:00:  Peter Glenn Ski and Sports:  Over 60 years of getting you out there. 

Outdoor Research:  Click here for 25% off Outdoor Research products (not valid on sale items or pro products)

44:00:  Nobis, Coombs, skits, women, Deeper, Further, Higher, Digital-ler, headcount, philosophy and money

66:00:  Inappropriate Questions with Greg Stump

Nov 27, 2023

Todd Jones and the company he helped found Teton Gravity Research, has had a huge impact on Skiing and Snowboarding. This private school-educated kid from Cape Cod became passionate about sliding on snow at Stowe, then became a certified Deadhead in high school, and college was all about leaving private college life to become a dish dog in Jackson Hole. The rest is history. Part 1 of the podcast we talk about The Dead, the early Jackson days, battles with ski patrol, pioneering Alaska with Coombs, and founding TGR. Ian Macintosh asks the Inappropriate Questions

Todd Jones Show Notes:

3:00:  Kai’s injury, growing up on the Cape, Stowe, and learning to be bored

21:00: Stanley:  Get 30% off site-wide with the code winteriscoming

Best Day Brewing:  All of the flavor of your favorite IPA or Kolsch, without the alcohol, the calories and sugar.

Elan Skis:  Over 75 years of innovation that makes you better.

24:30:  Drink it blue, ski racing at Kimball Union Academy, academics, Dead shows and TR and The Dead

40:00:  Peter Glenn Ski and Sports:  Over 60 years of getting you out there. 

Outdoor Research:  Click here for 25% off Outdoor Research products (not valid on sale items or pro products)

42:00:  Jackson Hole, rich people, battles with ski patrol, and opening the gates

54:00:  Being a sponsored skier, the Warren Miller debacle, pioneering AK, inspirations, and fishing boats

68:00:  Inappropriate Questions with Ian Macintosh

Nov 20, 2023

Nick Goepper won three Olympic medals in slopestyle, then called it a career and retired. Fast forward a year, and Nick is out of retirement, and he has his goals set: rebranding himself and making the Olympic Halfpipe team. On the podcast, we talk about how hard that will be, all things Goepper, and then I do a mini-podcast with the man behind the scenes of Nick’s rebrand, controversial pro skier Steve Stepp. This one’s a little different; think two guys, one mic.

Nick Goepper Show Notes:

3:00:  My Olympic predictions, best Olympic experience, celebrating, retirement, and not skiing.

13:00:  Getting dropped by sponsors, incentives, his compound, World Skate Games,

21:00:  Stanley:  Get up to 60% off site-wide until 12/4 over at

Best Day Brewing:  All of the flavor of your favorite IPA or Kolsch, without the alcohol, the calories, and sugar.

Elan Skis:  Over 75 years of innovation that makes you better.

24:30:  Coming out of retirement for Halfpipe, learning all four doubles in pipe, and the Nick Goepper rebrand

30:00:  Steve Stepp Mini Podcast:  being a smart ass, getting suspended, ski racing, finding the park and pipe, Tom Wallisch and The University of Utah

40:30:  Peter Glenn Ski and Sports:  Over 60 years of getting you out there. 

Outdoor Research:  Click here for 25% off Outdoor Research products (not valid on sale items or pro products)

42:30:  4bi9, sponsors, changing the fit of skiing, and the fallout with Saga

54:00:  His trolling series, did his controversial antics impact his career, pissing people off, Zane goes to Snowbird, where his career is now, and his Nick Goepper rebrand

65:00:  Inappropriate Questions with Steve Stepp

Nov 13, 2023

AJ Kitt is a US Ski Team Legend and was the face of US Downhill at a time when the US Skiing’s image desperately needed a re-fresh from the Bill Johnson era. AJ’s a 4X Olympian, which is incredible, but also the most screwed-over athlete ever by FIS, which is unfortunate. On the podcast, we talk about going fast, understanding sponsorship early, Bill Johnson, the World Cup at 18, the Olympics, and so much more. US Ski and Snowboard Hall of Famer Chad Fleischer asks the Inappropriate Questions.

AJ Kitt Show Notes:

3:00:  Early season racing, dirt bikes in NY, weekends at Swain, and Dianne Roffe   

12:00:  Frustration with race results, Mountain House Academy and the talk with his parents, and GMVS

21:00:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code winteriscoming

Best Day Brewing:  All of the flavor of your favorite IPA or Kolsch, without the alcohol, the calories and sugar.

Elan Skis:  Over 75 years of innovation that makes you better.

24:00:  Spyder, learning to be professional early, Bill Johnson, and believing in himself.  

32:00:  Making the US Team and going straight to the World Cup, his first Olympics, winning his first World Cup, the mental aspect, and 2nd in Kitzbuel    

41:00:  Peter Glenn Ski and Sports:  Over 60 years of getting you out there. 

Outdoor Research:  Click here for 25% off Outdoor Research products (not valid on sale items or pro products)

41:30:  Changing the Olympic course, getting screwed by FIS for the first time, Getting screwed by FIS for the 2nd time, and going down to Nor-Am’s to get his confidence back       

49:00:  The Dual- Tech era of Rossignol, Ski Tech Ed Waldeberger, Rolex, and other sponsors

63:00:  Success at Super G in Whistler, getting screwed by FIS for the 3rd time, retiring and getting used to being a regular civilian.

61:00:  Inappropriate Questions with Chad Fleischer


Nov 3, 2023

Cory Côté's career has included some of the most interesting jobs with the biggest players in the business. His story starts with a difficult childhood, where he used team sports to take him from Canada to Washington and then transitioned from athletics to art. From gigs with Ames Bros to record labels to designing (in-house and out) for some of the most influential brands in action sports...You've seen Cory's art and work. These days, Cory has Mystery Made, his brand and design house in West Seattle. On the podcast, we talk about the road from Canada to crushing it. Brandon Ramirez asks the Inappropriate Questions.

Cory Côté Show Notes:

3:00:  Singapore, Canada, rough childhood, sports, and college soccer

11:00:  Cornish, Tooth and Nail Records and Ames Bros

21:00:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code winteriscoming

Best Day Brewing:  All of the flavor of your favorite IPA or Kolsch, without the alcohol, the calories and sugar.

Elan Skis:  Over 75 years of innovation that makes you better.

24:00:  Getting a job with K2, learning to snowboard at sales meetings, differentiating brands and keeping secrets.

30:00:  The benefits of doing the job of 10 people, the end of US production, the China experience, becoming design manager at K2 and Shepard Fairey

39:30:  Peter Glenn Ski and Sports:  Over 60 years of getting you out there.

Outdoor Research:  Click here for 25% off Outdoor Research products (not valid on sale items or pro products)

41:30:  Original Penguin, lawsuits, inspiration trips, and leaving K2

49:00:  Starting Mystery Made, staying in snow, learning the business end, and odd hours

54:00:  Inappropriate Questions with Brandon Ramerez

Oct 30, 2023

Dave Moe is the most unique, eclectic guest I’ve had on the podcast, and he and his brother may have had more of an impact on the sport of skiing than anyone else I’ve had on the show. The Moe’s started Powder Magazine, and Dave Moe was the gonzo journalist who traveled the world in the name of Powder. On the podcast, we talk about early Seattle skiing, his “Screw Loose” alter egos, founding Powder Magazine, sales, marketing, travel, and general weirdness. Jake Moe makes a couple of appearances to clear some things up on this history lesson of an episode.

Dave Moe Show Notes:

5:00:  Screw Loose and Alter Egos: Abraham Lincoln, Tragic Johnson, Lambchop, and Captain Powder, and skiing in Seattle.

13:00:  Skiing in Seattle, the idea for Powder Magazine, Jake on couch surfing, Sun Valley, and what did other media think of Powder?

20:00:  Rollerblade: They invented inline skating and make the best skates on the planet.

Best Day Brewing:  All of the flavor of your favorite IPA or Kolsch, without the alcohol, the calories and sugar.

Elan Skis:  Over 75 years of innovation that makes you better.

22:00:  The magazine plan, what it costs, the reason Powder was a success in Jake’s mind, paying for the product, the sales strategy,  covers, and travel

36:00: Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code winteriscoming

Peter Glenn Ski and Sports:  Over 60 years of getting you out there. 

Outdoor Research:  Click here for 25% off Outdoor Research products (not valid on sale items or pro products)

38:00:  Hunter S Thompson influence, weird stuff, expense accounts, and selling Powder

43:00:  How does Powder end for him, Spiritual Editor, Powder is coming back, and his Hall of Fame bid

47:00:  Inappropriate Questions with Eric Sanford

Oct 23, 2023

Tanner Hall is arguably the greatest all-around skier of our time. He’s a rare athlete who’s found success in the moguls, in the streets, in the parks, in the X Games, in the backcountry, in the movies, and on the Freeride World Tour. It doesn’t get more complete than that, and the crazy thing is that now, at 40, he’s skiing better than he ever has. While that’s a bold statement, when the new edit, XL drops this week, you’ll know what I’m talking about. On the podcast, we discuss his relationship, his injury list, XL, what the future holds, and much more. Wiley Miller asks the Inappropriate Questions. 

Tanner Hall Show Notes:

3:00:  A serious girlfriend, time online, perks of the relationship, and will there be kids?

11:00:  The K2 Back 9, injury list, weed, what does it take to ski these days,  who are the up-and-comers and why is it so hard to be successful?

20:30:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code winteriscoming

Best Day Brewing:  All of the flavor of your favorite IPA or Kolsch, without the alcohol, the calories and sugar.

Elan Skis:  Over 75 years of innovation that makes you better.

23:30:  Who was first with personal projects, funding, monetization, film festivals and awards, and sponsors and his new project XL

36:00:  Peter Glenn Ski and Sports:  Over 60 years of getting you out there. 

Outdoor Research:  Click here for 25% off all OR Gear (code not applicable on sale items or  pro products)

38:00:  The street part of his project XL, the backcountry part in XL, the quad flip, and the future

45:00:  Inappropriate Questions with Wiley Miller

Oct 16, 2023

Nate Holland is a born and bred Idaho boy who grew up in a log cabin and spent his time hunting, fishing, skateboarding, and skiing and then he found snowboarding, and life changed. Nate was hellbent on making it in the halfpipe and big air world of professional snowboarding and racked up 20k in credit card, infuriating his co-signing family. But freestyle was never going to be the route for Nate, and when he pivoted to boardercross, he found success beyond his wildest imagination. On the podcast, we talk about the Palmer, Farmer influence, living in tents, the X-Games, the Olympics, and a lot more. Jimbo Morgan asks the Inappropriate Questions.

Nate Holland Show Notes:

3:00:  Ripping sleeves off of others, Palmer and Farmer, Hippy lifestyle in Idaho, and snowboarding

11:00:  Critical Condition, USASA, football, living at Hood in a tent for the summer, not wanting to snowboard year-round, finding a mountain town, and living poor.

20:30:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code winteriscoming

Best Day Brewing:  All of the flavor of your favorite IPA or Kolsch, without the alcohol, the calories and sugar.

Elan Skis:  Over 75 years of innovation that makes you better.

23:30:  Pipe and Big Air, Budweiser Ariel Assault, finding out boardercross is in the Olympics, and wining X Games Gold in Ultra Cross

32:00:  World Cups, making the US Team, his brother, qualifying for the Torino Olympics early, sponsors, developing boards that would never be sold, and money

42:00:  Peter Glenn Ski and Sports:  Over 60 years of getting you out there. 

Outdoor Research: Click here to save 25% off all non sale items (code not valid for OR Pro gear)

44:00:  Not cool enough to sell, dominating X Games, his intensity, bad courses, fights on the snow, no chill in him at his first Olympics 

54:00:  His different Olympic experiences and then being passed over for Korea, and hi retirement party

62:00:  Inappropriate Questions with Jimbo Morgan

Oct 9, 2023

While Colby Stevenson won’t be remembered for the car accident that broke his skull into over 40 pieces, it sure had an impact in steering his life from a middle-of-the-pack pro athlete to absolute dominance. In part two of Colby’s podcast, we talk Olympic Silver in the Covid year, X Games double gold as a rookie, learning lessons during injuries, sponsors, money, filming with everyone, and more. Olympian Lyman Currier asks the Inappropriate Questions.

Colby Stevenson Show Notes Part 2:

3:00:  X at X at the W, Stept, making the US Rookie Team, the importance of mindset, an being put on almost an ultimatum year on the US Team and getting back to normal after the accident.

20:00:  Rollerblade: They invented inline skating and make the best skates on the planet.

Best Day Brewing:  All of the flavor of your favorite IPA or Kolsch, without the alcohol, the calories and sugar.

Elan Skis:  Over 75 years of innovation that makes you better.

21:00:  Skiing again, figuring out he’s back, unlocking the code to winning, 2018 Olympic year, pain-killing injections in skiing.

41:00:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code winteriscoming

Peter Glenn Ski and Sports:  Over 60 years of getting you out there. 

Outdoor Research:  The best outerwear in the world comes from OR and is built in the PNW

44:00:  X Games snub and then double gold, sponsors, and money, video parts, Kai Jones, and The Olympics  

65:00:  Inappropriate Questions with Lyman Currier0

Oct 2, 2023

While Colby Stevenson won’t be remembered for the car accident that broke his skull into over 40 pieces, it sure had an impact in steering his life from middle-of-the-pack pro athlete to absolute dominance. In part one of Colby’s podcast, we talk about growing up in the shadows of Wallisch and Hall, forerunning the X Games at 8, the confidence and cockiness that comes with early success, and his life-changing accident. Olympic Gold Medalist Joss Christensen asks the Inappropriate Questions.

Colby Stevenson Show Notes:

3:00:  Having way too much energy, West Coast Sessions, partying, and cockiness.

15:00:  The Accident

20:00:  Rollerblade: They invented inline skating and make the best skates on the planet.

Best Day Brewing:  All of the flavor of your favorite IPA or Kolsch, without the alcohol, the calories and sugar.

Elan Skis:  Over 75 years of innovation that makes you better.

23:00:  The Accident, his face, and side effects

32:00:  Finding Park City, his parents, flipping at 6, racing in twin tips, X-Games at 8, and the pros of Utah

41:30:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code winteriscoming

Peter Glenn Ski and Sports:  Over 60 years of getting you out there. 

Outdoor Research: The best outerwear in the world comes from OR and is built in the PNW

44:30:  Tanner Hall after he broke his ankles, breaking his heel and losing his confidence, and coaching/camps

50:00:  Doing well in contests, how divorce impacts skiing, sponsors, and his favorite skiers   

63:00:  Inappropriate Questions with Joss Christensen

Sep 25, 2023

Andrew is a corporate professional with a sick resume who’s currently manufacturing a climbing and surfing career... complete with travel budgets, retainer, and opportunity. When you look at Andrew, he’s part athlete, part explorer, part humanitarian, part activist, and an influencer. While Andrew is not a pro-level athlete, he does have an incredible story, athletic chops, and the marketing mind to package himself and his “Between Worlds Project” (that will make him the first African American to climb the seven summits and seven volcanic summits), as an ambassador to watch. The podcast talks about his incredible story that took him from Detroit, Georgia, Hawaii, Maine, Mass, and beyond.

Andrew Alexander King Show Notes:

4:00:  His media barrage, his Detroit upbringing, moving to Georgia, racism,  Europe, and Hawaii

20:30:  Rollerblade: They invented inline skating and make the best skates on the planet.

Outdoor Research: The best outerwear in the world comes from OR and is built in the PNW

Elan Skis:  Over 75 years of innovation that makes you better.

23:30:  Learning to swim, surf, and do all the Hawaiian things, localism, surfing Nazarre, height, getting a scholarship to the University of Maine, and drinking

42:00:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code pmovement

Peter Glenn Ski and Sports:  Over 60 years of getting you out there. 

Best Day Brewing:  All of the flavor of your favorite IPA or Kolsch, without the alcohol, the calories, and sugar.

45:00:  Climbing the White Mountains, travel to climb, climbing in Walmart boots, all in costs, and selling his story

60:00:  Brands, how he’s climbing the mountains and ego 

67:00:  Inappropriate Questions

Sep 18, 2023

When Ashley Battersby came on the ski scene, a new era of style was unleashed upon the women’s slopestyle and big air.  Growing up in Chicago gave Ash the confidence to develop one of the top rail games in the streets, and then she transferred her skate tricks to the ski world. Her move to Park City was her education in air awareness- which led to her being the first woman to land a Switch 10 in competition. On the podcast, we talk about her meteoric rise, sponsors, money, her battle at the X Games, and the injuries that ultimately ended her career. Ashley doesn’t do many interviews, and it was almost like she disappeared from the scene when she retired, so catching up with this pioneer was cool. Her brother Ty asks the Inappropriate Questions.

Ashley Battersby Show Notes:

3:00:  Christmas, Skiing at the old Playboy Club, and wanting to be Peekaboo Street

13:00:  Street skating, Kaya Turski

19:00:  Rollerblade: They invented inline skating and make the best skates on the planet.

Best Day Brewing:  All of the flavor of your favorite IPA or Kolsch, without the alcohol, the calories and sugar.

Elan Skis:  Over 75 years of innovation that makes you better.

22:30:  Moving to Park City in the Olympic Year, The Bulls, what made her want to do slopestyle, The Winter Sports School, Line, and Sarah Burke

40:00: Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code winteriscoming

Peter Glenn Ski and Sports:  Over 60 years of getting you out there. 

Outdoor Research:  The best outerwear in the world comes from OR and is built in the PNW

43:00:  Did she have a women’s crew? Jossi Wells, straight edge, manifesting, winning the US Open on her Line Pro Model, and her baggy style

52:00:  Sponsors and money, Olympics, living in 4th at X Games, the Switch 10 injuries take away her Olympic dreams, and calling it a career

69:00:  Inappropriate Questions with Ty Battersby

Sep 11, 2023

Roy Tuscany is back, and part 2 with Roy is different than any podcast or interview he’s done before. This episode isn’t about Roy’s story of coming back from a life-altering injury and starting the High Fives Foundation; we did that in episode 49. This week, we talk about things like what it’s like being the first person to offer an injured person hope after a transformative injury, how difficult that is, what the cost of a spinal injury is, how one pays for that, and a lot of the things able-bodied people don’t think about. High Fives Athlete Trevor Kennison asks the Inappropriate Questions.

Roy Tuscany Show Notes:

3:00:  Does he wish he wasn’t injured, the pain of life, rude people, and telling his story so much.

13:00:  Making this podcast different, seeing people on their worst days, and explaining what a diagnosis really means to a patient.

20:00:  Rollerblade: They invented inline skating and make the best skates on the planet.

Best Day Brewing:  All of the flavor of your favorite IPA or Kolsch, without the alcohol, the calories and sugar.

Elan Skis:  Over 75 years of innovation that makes you better.

23:00:  Bringing hope, accepting a new reality, who your real friends are, the cost of everything, and the worst of what can happen      

42:00:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code winteriscoming

Peter Glenn Ski and Sports:  Over 60 years of getting you out there. 

Outdoor Research:  The best outerwear in the world comes from OR and is built in the PNW

45:00:  Positive mentality, his favorite High Fives athlete story, and once-in-a-lifetime moments.

48:00:  Why he has a nice truck, money, travel budget, being an influencer, and the weather

63:00:  Inappropriate Questions with Trevor Kennison

Sep 4, 2023

Ben Weis was one of the most exciting, high-risk skaters of his time, and his life outside of skating was just as death-defying…until it wasn’t. Ben recently passed away in a motorcycle accident, right when he was getting his crazy life back on track. On the podcast, I connect with Ben’s closest friends, pro skaters, and his wife. I also added some audio clips from the podcast I did with Ben years ago and we put together a final retrospective of the one they called “The Ben Weis Show”.

Ben Weis Show Notes:

4:00:  Words from Ben’s brother Jordan, Eric Schrijn talks about Ben’s energy, and Derek French talks about the early contest days

8:00:  One more try and John Murakami talks about his first impression of Ben, words from another Jon, and words from Ben’s right-hand man Shorty Adam K, talking about the party that the Crack House was

18:30:  Rollerblade: They invented inline skating and make the best skates on the planet.

Outdoor Research:  The best outerwear in the world comes from OR and is built in the PNW

Elan Skis:  Over 75 years of innovation that makes you better.

21:30:  The Ben Weis Show (words from Ben and others), real jobs, the life of the party, Jake Eley talks Ben’s England trip, and more from Eric Schrijn

31:00:  Convincing people to do things, Murakami tells a couple of wild stories and a road trip to Iowa

38:00: Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code winteriscoming

Peter Glenn Ski and Sports:  Over 60 years of getting you out there. 

Best Day Brewing:  All of the flavor of your favorite IPA or Kolsch, without the alcohol, the calories and sugar.

41:00:  Iowa part 2, fighting and facing the music

52:00:  How much fun people had around Ben, words from Ben’s wife Taylir, and a final story from Derek French

Aug 28, 2023

Chad Fleischer is a badass American Downhiller known for his leopard print hair, his huge crash at the Hahnenkamm, and living a life being 100% in control of being 100%  out of control. Born and raised in the flatlands of Nebraska, Chad moved to Vail at 12 and didn’t join Ski Club Vail until he was 14. That late start didn’t slow him down. On the podcast, we talk about Nebraska, getting on the team, AJ, Kyle, Bode, Tommy, and so much more. Chad doesn’t hold back, and it’s an awesome one. AJ Kitt asks the Inappropriate Questions.

Chad Fleischer Show Notes:

3:00:  Hahnenkamm crash, CBD, Nebraska, moving to Vail and wanting to be Bill Johnson but skiing like Wayne Wong

21:30:  Rollerblade: They invented inline skating and make the best skates on the planet.

Best Day Brewing:  All of the flavor of your favorite IPA or Kolsch, without the alcohol, the calories and sugar.

Elan Skis:  Over 75 years of innovation that makes you better.

23:00:  Ski Club Vail, making the Olympics so fast, losing his mom, Nagano, and Bode is a god. 

41:30:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site-wide with the code shredthegnar

Peter Glenn Ski and Sports:  Over 60 years of getting you out there. 

43:00:  Getting Salmonella re-inventing himself and having it pay off all while still having a good time

48:00:  Vail 99, blood testing, 2nd in Spain, gear issues, money and what happens with his last Olympic push 

69:00:  Inappropriate Questions with AJ Kitt

Aug 21, 2023

Bobby Meeks makes life look easy, but his early life was anything but that. While he’s known for being one of the nicest guys everyone wants to be around, he was the troublemaking kid before he re-set his life by moving in with his aunt and uncle. From there, Bobby never lost his skateboarding roots as he went on to dive and snowboard professionally. On the podcast, we talk about his childhood, skate, and snow culture, his pro career, High Cascade, Nike, DC, and more. Forum Snowboard revivalist and legend Peter Line asks the Inappropriate Questions.

Bobby Meeks Show Notes:

3:00:  High Cascade Snowboard Camp, the pandemic, and what his troubled childhood was like

12:00:  Arkansas, moving in with his aunt and uncle, being the jokester, and diving

21:00:  Rollerblade: They invented inline skating and make the best skates on the planet.

Best Day Brewing:  All of the flavor of your favorite IPA or Kolsch, without the alcohol, the calories and sugar.

Elan Skis:  Over 75 years of innovation that makes you better.

24:00:  Snowboarding, college, Pro Diving, odd jobs, pro career happen really fast, and Joyride

41:00:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site-wide with the code shredthegnar

Peter Glenn Ski and Sports:  Over 60 years of getting you out there. 

42:30:  Utah, Blue, Subtle, Shimano, waiting tables, and taking advantage of every opportunity

56:00:  Robot Food, the ultimate corporate job, Nike Snowboarding, DC Snowboarding  

69:00:  Inappropriate Questions with Peter Line

Aug 14, 2023

Mike Rosen has arguably one of the most important roles in the ski and snowboard industry: he’s a sales rep. Rosen is the link between the brands and the sales floor, and he spends his time on the road, repping the products that fuel our passions. It’s not as glamorous as you think…but it sure is fun and lucrative. On the podcast, we talk about coming up in racing, starting with Spyder, product testing, what makes a good rep, how to get a job in the snow-business, and so much more. John Lyons asks the Inappropriate Questions.

Mike Rosen Show Notes:

3:00:  How to get a job in snow business, growing up in NY, being Jewish, and the college saga.

10:00:  Ski racing at the University of Northern Colorado, Gary Gay, Spyder, product testing,

20:30:  Rollerblade: They invented inline skating and make the best skates on the planet.

Best Day Brewing:  All of the flavor of your favorite IPA or Kolsch, without the alcohol, the calories and sugar.

Elan Skis:  Over 75 years of innovation that makes you better.

23:30:  Hart and Reusch, learning the business, race services for Nordica, the Nordica glitch, sample costs, the rep/brand relationship, going to K2, and counter-seasonal business.

38:00:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code shredthegnar

Peter Glenn Ski and Sports:  Over 60 years of getting you out there. 

40:00:  His influence as a rep, His brands, his territory, his employees, money, and what makes a good rep, selling air, and starting his brand

55:00:  Inappropriate Questions with John Lyons

Aug 6, 2023

Bob Legasa is not only a former US Freestyle Team Member, he’s also the only athlete I’ve ever had on the podcast who’s survived a Grizzly Bear attack.  Those two things alone can make a podcast good, throw in that Dan is known as the most legendary prankster in skiing and this one is great.  On the podcast, we talk about filming for Hot Dog, jumping at the Rose Bowl, Greg Stump, and a lot more.

Bob Legasa Show Notes:

3:00:  Grizzly Bear

17:00:  Rollerblade: They invented inline skating and make the best skates on the planet.

Best Day Brewing:  All of the flavor of your favorite IPA or Kolsch, without the alcohol, the calories and sugar.

Elan Skis:  Over 75 years of innovation that makes you better.

20:00:  Getting hit by a chairlift, skiing in Tahoe, moving to Idaho, and meeting Dan Herby

29:00:  Freestyle Camps, The Spud Boys in Tahoe, and Ballet

37:00:   Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code pmovement

Peter Glenn Ski and Sports:  Over 60 years of getting you out there.  

39:00:  Aerials, Hot Dog, The Movie, US Freestyle Team, and the Team was too expensive for him

53:00:  The Volvo Ski Show, Outrageous Air, The Rose Bowl and filming Greg Stump

67:00:  Inappropriate Questions with Dan Herby

Jul 31, 2023

Tina Basich is a recent US Ski and Snowboard Hall of Fame inductee. Her and her BFF Shannon Dun are the first women to get in on the snowboard side. In Part 2 of the podcast, we discuss her insane 1990 World Halfpipe Champion season, the Kemper days, her influence, Adam Yauch, Tiger Woods, sponsors, and more. Shannon Dunn Asks the Inappropriate Questions

Tina Basich Show Notes Part 2:

3:00:  Hall of Fame, her 1990 season, does she ever work a regular job, and the Kemper Team moves to Utah.

20:30:  Rollerblade: They invented inline skating and make the best skates on the planet.

Best Day Brewing:  All of the flavor of your favorite IPA or Kolsch, without the alcohol, the calories and sugar.

Elan Skis:  Over 75 years of innovation that makes you better.

23:00:  Snowboard contests, ski brands making snowboards, 100 days in AK, World Cup, and the elevator story

40:45:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code pmovement

Peter Glenn Ski and Sports:  Over 60 years of getting you out there. 

44:30:  Summer Snowboarding, her 720, riding with Adam Yauch and then living with him

52:00:  Leaving sponsors, Boarding for Breast Cancer, transitioning into powder, Tiger Woods, and how does snowboarding end

75:00:  Inappropriate Questions with Shannon Dunn

Beastie Boys as Quasar at a House Party

Jul 24, 2023

 Tina Basich is one of those living legend, pro snowboarders who helped shape the sport. Known for being one of the pioneering women in halfpipe and big air, Tina also crushed it in Alaska and influenced a whole generation of girls with her riding. In Part 1 of her podcast, we talk about gender, her Waldorf-style schooling, living in a teepee, creating the first women’s signature products, Shannon Dunn, and much more. Barrett Christy asks the Inappropriate Questions.

Tina Basich Show Notes:

3:00:  Gender equality in early snowboarding, the first X Games big air, people supporting her, and creating the first women’s specific snowboard gear

 21:30:  Rollerblade: They invented inline skating and make the best skates on the planet.

Best Day Brewing:  All of the flavor of your favorite IPA or Kolsch, without the alcohol, the calories and sugar.

Elan Skis:  Over 75 years of innovation that makes you better.

23:30:  Growing up different outside of Sacramento, Waldorf education, gymnastics, Michael’s health, and communication issues, living in a teepee and going to a public high school.

42:30:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code pmovement

Peter Glenn Ski and Sports:  Over 60 years of getting you out there. 

44:30:  Finding her tribe in the skateboarders, her mom gets her into snowboarding, when does the tech work, and riding a 2001 board until 2021

56:00:  Donner Ski Ranch, seeing the pros, her first contest, 87 World Championships, racing, and is she living a double life?

69:00:  Scholarship or Pro and getting boxes from sponsors

75:00: Inappropriate Questions with Barrett Christy

Jul 12, 2023

Darian Boyle is one of the pioneering athletes who helped usher the free ski movement to the forefront of the sport, but Darian is so much more than just a champion skier. She’s a model, a lifeguard, a paddleboarder, a boat builder, a marina owner, a bartender, a surfer, a Hobie cat racer, a moto rider, and a mom. She hasn’t slowed down since she started chasing her brothers when she was little. On the podcast, we talk about her incredible ski career, modeling career, television career, her injuries, and so much more. Roy Tuscany is on point in asking the Inappropriate Questions.

Darian Boyle Show Notes:

3:00:  Her nickname, Darian Jr, her parents, and her brothers   

14:00:  Growing up in NJ, Ford Modeling Agency with Brooke Shields, her Sugarbush ski house, lifeguarding/summering in Sea Girt, NJ, and close calls in the water

23:30:  Rollerblade: They invented inline skating and make the best skates on the planet.

Best Day Brewing:  All of the flavor of your favorite IPA or Kolsch, without the alcohol, the calories and sugar.

Elan Skis:  Over 75 years of innovation that makes you better.

25:30:  Close calls in the mountains, her pro ski plans end before they start, working in television, California to Aspen, moguls, Aspen Extreme, shin problems, and moving to Tahoe

44:00:  Stanley:  Get 30% off sitewide with the code pmovement

Peter Glenn Ski and Sports:  Over 60 years of getting you out there. 

46:00:  The Performers, sponsors, money, Skier Cross, The Factory Team, CK ad rip-off, and moving on to Head

58:00:  MC and the Cadillac story, breaking McConkey’s new sled, wearing a helmet, and breaking her neck

75:00:  Inappropriate Questions with Roy Tuscany

Jul 7, 2023

Joe Johnson has mastered the desk jockey hustle as he's gone from dream job to dream job. While he spends a lot of time at his Salomon desk, he's not chained to it. He's an industry dark man, a behind-the-scenes ideator of some innovative marketing campaigns by some of the biggest resorts and brands out there. On the podcast, we talk about his first passion, basketball, his incredible list of jobs:  tourism, resort, agency, and brand gigs, his near-death fall, and a lot more. It's the first business episode in a while, and Digi Dave Amirault asks the Inappropriate Questions.

Joe Johnson Show Notes:

3:00:  Sneakerhead, Tonasket, WA, basketball, college scholarship, Internships, and Visit Spokane

14:00:  Quitting Visit Spokane during the 2009 recession, being a broke, digital hired gun at Solitude, playing catch up on the mountain, leaving Solitude.    

21:30:  Rollerblade: They invented inline skating and make the best skates on the planet.

Best Day Brewing:  All of the flavor of your favorite IPA or Kolsch, without the alcohol, the calories and sugar.

Elan Skis:  Over 75 years of innovation that makes you better.

23:30:  Recruited by The Canyons, The Ultimate Mountain Gig, his life-changing accident, Outside Media, office at Alta

37:00:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code pmovement

Peter Glenn Ski and Sports:  Over 60 years of getting you out there. 

39:00:  His insane Outside Media account list, developing relationships with athletes, competing brands, and leaving Outside

46:00:  Sun Valley to Salomon, travel, marketing toolboxes, big picture items, and money      

60:00:  Inappropriate Questions with Digi Dave Amirault

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