
The Powell Movement Action Sports Podcast

This podcast is creating a living history of action sports on a weekly basis. Think ski, snowboard, skate, bike, behind the scenes players, musicians, and more.... It has all the players and gets you the details you won't find anywhere else.
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The Powell Movement Action Sports Podcast









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Now displaying: 2020
Jul 6, 2020

Dana Dane is legendary storytelling rapper from Brooklyn who helped influence me in my formative years.  A chance zoom call with Dane connected us and once that happened, I made it my goal to get him on the podcast.  In the month leading up to recording, so much was happening with race in this country and the podcast talks about Dana’s life and times and how race seemed to play into them. 

Dana Dane Show Notes:

3:00:  Father’s Day,, and inventions

13 :00:  Systematic racism, single mom, and no male role models   

 22:00:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code drinkfast

10 Barrel Brewery:  Buy their beers, they support action sports more than anyone

22:30:  Fort Greene Projects, running numbers, and sports

26:00:  Art, graffiti, and dance

31:00:  Music and Art High School, Slick Rick, and writing rhymes

40:00:  Crack and Heroin in the neighborhood, community college, and Rick gets a tape out

45:00:  Dana Dane with Fame, Yo MTV Raps, and playing shows

51:30:  Getting screwed on his record deal, buying clothes and opening 4Play Boutique with Play

54:00:  Why the long delay before his second album, no creative control, and his final album

58:00:  Inappropriate Questions   

Jun 29, 2020

Kathryn Smith is the Global Brand Director at Skullcandy. Her resume is one that most people would be jealous of, but like everyone with a great title, a lot of hard work was put in to get Kathryn to her position today.  On the podcast we talk about growing up in North Carolina, ski bumming, getting gigs, losing them, and a whole lot more.  It’s the first business episode I’ve had in a while and it’s great!

Kathryn Smith Show Notes:

3:00:  Not doing podcasts or washing her hands

8:00:  Blowing Rock, identical twin, and skiing

12:00:  Soccer, France, and HS

16:00:  College and Steamboat

21:00:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code drinkfast

10 Barrel Brewery:  Buy their beers, they support action sports more than anyone

22:45:  Moving to DC, SIA and trade shows

31:00:  Jordan Judd, Atomic, and being a distributer

36:00:  Powder Week, Amer re-shuffles the deck

41:15:  Amer re-shuffles the deck again and she’s out

45:00:  Skullcandy, stock, and titles

57:00:  Inappropriate Questions

Jun 22, 2020

Brad Holmes is one of the last great personalities in the sport of skiing.  Attitude, ego, style sense of humor—These are some of the things that made Brad stand out.  But his real talent was skiing and on the podcast we talk about “Daddy Rad” and his unique childhood, dominating the world of moguls, becoming the youngest person ever to make the US Ski Team, Plake, Freeze, K2, MSP, and so much more.  Do not miss this one.

Brad Holmes Show Notes:

3:00:  The Virus, skiing and Daddy Rad

7:00:  Utah, freestyle, and scholarship in California

12:00:  Punk rock, moguls, aerials and ballet

16:00:  Bobby Burns, influences, and Palmer  

20:15:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code powell30

Evo:  Get 20% off branded product with the code Powell20

22:00:  Getting on the US Team, Tanya Harding, and Olympics

27:00:  Bud Pro Mogul Tour, money, and the end of moguls

35:00:  Natural Born Skier,  Freeze Magazine, and Ask Brad

40:15:  10 Barrel Brewery:  Buy their beers, they support action sports more than anyone

41:15:  K2, The Outlaw, and MSP

47:00:  Tours, leaving K2, and making his own movies  

57:30:  Inappropriate Questions with Glen Plake

Jun 15, 2020

Chris Grenier is part of a legendary East Coast snowboard crew that includes Scott Stevens, Austen Granger and Chris Beresford.  He pretty much raised himself at Mt Snow Academy, where he met the crew as a young stoner who had a unique style.  Fast forward 20 years and he’s been a pro snowboarder that’s ended video parts, had signature models and X Games Gold.  He had his problems… but they never impacted his pro career and now, he’s sober and killing it.  We talk about it all….

Chris Grenier Show Notes:

3:00:  Sports, dysfunctional childhood and hockey

8:00:  Skateboarding, snowboarding, High School

12:00:  Mt Snow Academy, having his own place at 15, selling weed and meeting Scott Stevens

15:00:  Style, Hood and Academy Snowboards

20:30:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code powell30

Evo:  Get 20% off branded product with the code Powell20

22:15:  What happens with school, Utah SFK and eS Game of Skate

29:00:  Keep Talking, Salomon, Get Real

35:00:  LRG, who was he back then, partying

39:15:  10 Barrel Brewery:  Buy their beers, they support action sports more than anyone

40:15:  May Day, X Games and concussions

52:00:  Money, creating a dream property, going sober and The Bomb Hole

74:00:  Inappropriate Questions with E-Stone

Jun 8, 2020

This week I chat with Brian Park form Pinkbike. Pinkbike sets the benchmark for what action sports websites should be. They are a hub that creates amazing content and serves as a sounding board for mountain biking.  On the podcast we talk about the site, the numbers, Brian’s life and times and a look at the Grim Donut. It’s a different type of episode and really interesting.

Pinkbike Show Notes:

3:00:  Babies, comments on Pinkbike and user profiles

8:00:  Numbers, sponsored content and  working with brands 

14:00:  Site in the 90’s and the impact of the virus on the bike world 

19:30:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code powell30

Evo:  Get 20% off branded product with the code Powell20

21:30:  Increase in traffic, DTC,  who’s screwed, insurance and events

35:00:  Who is Brian Park:  Kites, bike shops and working for Rocky Mountain  

42:30:  10 Barrel Brewery:  Buy their beers, they support action sports more than anyone

43:35:  The Grim Donut Project:  Building your own bike with your own specs and your own dollars

58:00:  Inappropriate Questions

Jun 1, 2020

James Woods is an X Games gold medalist that hails from England.  Let that sit in for a second.  Growing up in Sheffield, , Woodsy, as he’s known, learned how to shred on carpets that resembled tooth brushes more than they did snow…That never slowed him down as he’s proved himself on every level of the sport and has had an impressive career.  This is a fun one with one of the only personalities in contest skiing today.  

James “Woodsy” Woods Show Notes:

3:00:  Injury, working out and being the best he can be

11:00:  Sheffield, finding skiing in the newspaper, and dry slopes   

15:00:  Parental support and the British scene 

21:30:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code powell30

Evo:  Get 20% off branded product with the code Powell20

23:00:  Who he looked up to, British World Championships and Pat Sharples

29:00:  Momentum Camp, London Freeze, Breckenridge, and being a social loner

37:00:  X-Games in Tignes        

40:00:  10 Barrel Brewery:  Buy their beers, they support action sports more than anyone

41:00:  X Games Aspen, Sponsors, and money and losing it to a corrupt agent

50:00:  Sochi Olympics, The British Team and hurt in practice

57:00:  Celebrity, X Games Gold, and triples

64:00:  4th at the Olympics and Gus Kenworthy  

74:00:  Inappropriate Questions with Paddy Graham

May 25, 2020

I have not had too many guests on the show as laid back and chill as Dave Bachinsky...Which is crazy as Dave is known for doing some insane things skateboard-wise but the rest of his life is all about creating and giving back.  But it was not always that way.  On the podcast we talk about his career, inspiration, his side hustle, and a whole lot more.  Another must listen episode…

Dave Bachinsky Show Notes:

3:00:  Quarantine road trip, Olympics, and lifestyle changes

9:00:  Side Business, Lowell, Mass and family  

21:15:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code powell30

Evo:  Get 20% off branded product with the code Powell20

22:45:  Street skating, sponsors, and California

28:00:  Sponsors, dirtbagging it, and Adio

33:00:  El Toro and Adidas      

40:30:  10 Barrel Brewery:  Buy their beers, they support action sports more than anyone

41:35:  His style, Think and content

49:00:  Money, advice, and video part

55:00:  Inappropriate Questions

May 18, 2020

Marcus Caston’s ski career started in the race world. His goal was the Olympics but he didn’t get close. When he didn't make the college team, he was over it... But skiing is all he knows.  He got back into it through photography, which he parlayed into his first Warren Miller trip and his career takes off. Now, he’s on the other side of the lens and he’s become one of the most photographed and published skier of modern times. It’s a good episode

Marcus Caston Show Notes:

4:00:  Quarantine travels and Utah

9:00:  Born into skiing, ski-bumming and Snowbird  

20:15:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code powell30

Evo:  Get 20% off branded product with the code Powell20

21:45:  Soccer, size and school

26:00:  Ski racing, zip lines and not making the team

33:00:  Angry at skiing, finding the sport again through photography and Warren Miller

37:00:  His big break at Banzai Tour

40:30:  686 Technical Apparel:  The best outerwear in the world

10 Barrel Brewery:  Buy their beers, they support action sports more than anyone

42:15:  Having insider photo knowledge, getting published more than anyone and sponsors

49:00:  Not having to do big stuff to get paid, return of the turn and what’s next

53:00:  4 knee injuries in a row, throwing in the towel on skiing, and business today

55:50:  Inappropriate Questions with Sierra Shafer

May 11, 2020

Dan Egan is a legendary skier who doesn’t get the credit or press he deserves. Dan filmed countless movies with his brother as part of the “Egan Brothers” who stole the show at Warren Miller Moves of the late 80s and early 90’s. Before other “film” skiers were getting paid, Dan acted as athlete, agent and distributor, cashing in on all ends and really being a trailblazer for the non-traditional skier. Not many have done it like Dan Egan.

Dan Egan Show Notes:

4:00:  Turmoil in business, Catholicism and the name Dan

9:00:  Boston, skiing and sailing

16:00:  Blue Hills, John and Babson College Soccer

20:45:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code powell30

Evo:  Get 20% off branded product with the code Powell20

22:30:  Who was he in his late teens, filming with Warren Miller and becoming The Egan Brothers

31:00:  The plan for finishing school, hitchhiking in the west and proving himself in Squaw

34:00:  Graduating Babson, making money at SIA, paving the way for movie-based skiers and Hot Dog The Movie

40:00:  686 Technical Apparel:  The best outerwear in the world

10 Barrel Brewery:  Buy their beers, they support action sports more than anyone

42:00:  Distribution rights, Rockstar lifestyle of skiing, 30 years of sobriety and the Russia accident    

49:00:  Following CNN all over the world to create ski content (that he owns) and going viral before the internet

53:00:  4 knee injuries in a row, throwing in the towel on skiing, and business today

57:00:  Inappropriate Questions with Greg Stump

May 4, 2020

Josh Dirksen has arguably the best turn in snowboarding and while that turn will define his legacy,  he’s done so much more in the sport.  Josh  doesn’t do that many interviews and has never done a podcast before, until now.  On the show,  we  talk about having 3 passports, coming up in Oregon, the Morrow glory days, Salomon, the Dirksen Derby, and more.   It’s a good one with a living legend. 

Josh Dirksen Show Notes:

4:00:  Quarantine, worry, and his current job as a lifeguard in Switzerland

10:00:  Swimming, skateboarding, cross-country skiing and building endurance as a kid

16:00:  Snowboarding, other activities and  the Eugene crew

22:15:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code powell30

Evo:  Get 20% off branded product with the code Powell20

24:00:  Sponsor progression, Burton or Morrow and Jaymo 

31 :00:  Filming, mentors and Robot Food

38:00:  June hip, progression/evolution

42:00:  686 Technical Apparel:  The best outerwear in the world

10 Barrel Brewery:  Buy their beers, they support action sports more than anyone

43:45:  Competition, Morrow goes under and Salomon     

59:00:  Splitboards, Jeremy Jones and Dirksen Derby 

68:00:  Inappropriate Questions

Apr 27, 2020

Alana Nichols’ title, President of the Women’s Sports Foundation, is pretty impressive but the road she took to get to that big desk will blow your mind.  From losing her dad, to growing up with her grandparents, to breaking her back, to a dark place, to gold medal position at the Paralympics, nothing has ever been easy for Alana…And that has never stopped her from doing anything.  Her story is incredible, a must listen. ace, to gold medal position at the Paralympics, nothing has ever been easy for Alana…And that has never stopped her from doing anything.  Her story is incredible, a must listen.

Alana Nichols Show Notes:

4:00:  Pre-Olympic party, growing up in NM, and her name

11:00:  Raised by grandparents, snowboarding, and sports

15:00:  Paralyzed

20:45:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code powell30

Evo:  Get 20% off branded product with the code Powell20

22:30:  Challenges, finding basketball, darkness and college

30:00:  Paralympic Team, winning gold, skiing and her brother being murdered

40:30:  686 Technical Apparel:  The best outerwear in the world

10 Barrel Brewery:  Buy their beers, they support action sports more than anyone

42:00:  Two sports, robbed in London and injured at hood

50:00:  Back to skiing, pain pills and the Vancouver Paralympics

55:00:  Surfing, Kayaking and The Women’s Sports Foundation

59:00:  Inappropriate Questions with Roy Tuscany

Apr 20, 2020

KC Deane is the professional athlete version of a jack of all trades. He raced pro moto for a bit then graduated to pro skiing and later, pro mountain biking. With skiing and biking, KC made it and has been performing at the high level for a long time…. Now, KC is taking that work ethic and talent to Hollywood. On the podcast we talk about the ups and downs of his career, what happened with The Blank Collective, living in LA and a whole lot more. It’s a good one.

KC Deane Show Notes:

4:00:  Knee Injury, quarantine, and almost Canada

12:00:  Ski family, backcountry at an early age, and home schooling

17:00:  Moto, mountain biking and skiing

22:30:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code powell30

Evo:  Get 20% off branded product with the code Powell20

24:00:  Park skier, Tahoe, and watching someone die

32:00:  Urban KC, breaking his back and quitting contests

38:00:  Filming, getting photos, being a go getter, shooting with Grant Gunderson, and breaking his neck

46:00:  686 Technical Apparel:  The best outerwear in the world

10 Barrel Brewery:  Buy their beers, they support action sports more than anyone

48:00:  List of injuries, Whistler, getting into Velourz and pitching himself

53:00:  Rampage, using the ski road map for bike and competing at Rampage

61:00:  Was he a novelty on a bike, leaving Moment and the Blank deal

71:00: Skiers Cup, sponsors and confidence

77:00:  Acting, networking in LA and already getting work

83:00:  Inappropriate Questions with Darren Rayner and Stan Rey

Apr 13, 2020

Pat Moore has been a pro snowboarder for over a decade and while he’s done so much in his career, he’s more humble than most who are on the show.  It’ s like Pat doesn’t feel like he deserves everything that has come his ways….and nothing could be further from the truth.  On the podcast we talk about coming up in the pipe, getting on Forum, the end of that chapter, Volcom, X-Games, K2 and more....

Pat Moore Show Notes:

5:00:  Where was he when the world stopped and how does it impact snowboarding/life

7:00:  Holderness, family and Waterville embracing snowboarding

11:00:  Coaching, being a grom, and his crew

18:00:  Team Videos, and K2 additions and

21:00:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code powell30

Evo:  Get 20% off branded product with the code Powell20

23:00:  Starting on Burton, Forum and moving to Tahoe

30:00:  Filming with Grenade/Forum, street and  Burton buys Forum

35:00:  Backcountry, Olympic dreams and Video highlights

40:00:  The end of Forum, Volcom and Red Bull

43:00:  686 Technical Apparel:  The best outerwear in the world

10 Barrel Brewery:  Buy their beers, they support action sports more than anyone

44:30:  Coconut Water, getting sober and X Games medals

45:00:  The Olympics, the state of the sport and filming

55:00:  Getting on K2, and Bent Metal

58:00:  Inappropriate Questions with Mark Sullivan

Apr 6, 2020

Kimberly Plake has been a part of the ski industry for the past 40 years and she’s never done an in depth interview.  Yes, her husband Glen Plake gets all the notoriety but pretty much wherever Glen goes, Kimberly is by his side but she is not just arm candy.  Yes, she is good looking, a Texas Beauty Queen and former model, but she was a skier before she met Glen and now they ski together, forever.  The podcast is a cool look into Kimberly’s life and some things I’ve talked about with Glen…but from a different lens.  Brad Holmes asks the “Inappropriate Questions” and it’s another good one. 

Kimberly Plake Show Notes:

4:00:  Corona Virus in Europe

13:00:  Texas, drill team, breaking her leg skiing, modeling and meeting Glen

27:30:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code powell30

Evo:  Get 20% off branded product with the code Powell20

686 Technical Apparel:  The best outerwear in the world

30:30:  Glen continued, proposal, and miscarriages

28:00:  Pissing off Kimberly and getting arrested in Jackson

31:00:  Breaking his back, coming back to win X Games, and ACL #1 

50:30:   Spy Optic:  Get 20% off on their site using the code TPM20

10 Barrel Brewery:  Buy their beers, they support action sports more than anyone

52:15:  More of Glen’s arrest story, getting sober to save the marriage and Chamonix

57:00:  Her skiing, risk and being the mohawk guy

63:00:  K2 to Elan

67:00:  Inappropriate Questions with Brad Holmes

Mar 30, 2020

Vincent Gagnier is the last in the line of the Gagnier Brothers.  While hos older brothers helped shape the early days of freeskiing, Vinni is doing that now.  On the podcast we talk about his talented family, being a grom with access, what he thinks of judging, the future of skiing, and a whole lot more.  We close it out with “Inappropriate Questions” asked by Olympic Gold Medalist, Joss Christensen.

Vincent Gagnier Show Notes:

5:00:  Corona Virus, brothers and sisters, and family business

10:00:  Other sports, getting into skiing and Antoine

15:00:  Charles, judging, and real ski winner

12:00:  High School, dropping out of college and sponsors

20:00:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code powell30

Evo:  Get 20% off branded product with the code Powell20

686 Technical Apparel:  The best outerwear in the world

23:00:  School in Utah, coaching, and his English

28:00:  Sponsors, money, and contests

31:00:  Breaking his back, coming back to win X Games, and ACL #1 

40:00:  Spy Optic:  Get 20% off on their site using the code TPM20

10 Barrel Brewery:  Buy their beers, they support action sports more than anyone

41:45:  Coming back from injury,  ACL #2 and fear

45:00:  The Olympics, the state of the sport and filming

49:00:  Slvsh, internet comments and pro sports

82:00:  Inappropriate Questions with Joss Christensen

Mar 23, 2020

Keir Dillon was a fixture on the snowboard scene for over a decade.  You saw him in halfpipes, on podiums, on the mic and traveling the world with his “Frends” crew.  There is so much to Keir’s story and on the podcast we talk about a lot of snowboard success,  the letdown of not making the Olympics, starting a snowboard technology business with friends, taking that company and making it a brand that focuses on women, how the friends reacted to that, why he had to sell the business, drugs, and a lot more.  It’s a good one

Keir Dillon Show Notes:

2:00:  ADD, the Poconos, and family

7:00:  Vert ramp in the backyard, starting  snowboarding, and Nationals

12:00:  High School, dropping out of college and sponsors

21:00:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code powell30

Evo:  The best online experience in action sports with retail to back it up

686 Technical Apparel:  The best outerwear in the world

23:30:  Breaking up with sponsors, Jake Burton, and pro living at home

29:00:  Traveling, friends before frends, and lifestyle and drugs

34:00:  Race, Religion, and not making the Olympic team

48:30:  Spy Optic:  Get 20% off on their site using the code TPM20

10 Barrel Brewery:  Buy their beers, they support action sports more than anyone

50:15:  Frends Crew, creating a product, being the CEO and manufacturing headaches

64:00:  Changing the company to a women’s fashion brand and what do the frends think?

70:00:  Shark Tank, getting sued, and losing frends

76:00:  Selling the brand, going through some stuff, what he’s up to now, and snowboarding again

82:00:  Inappropriate Questions  

Mar 16, 2020

Greg Stump has done it all; he spent time on 150 podiums during his ski career, shot with iconic filmmakers Dick Barrymore and Warren Miller, and then, decided to become a filmmaker himself.  This year, Greg Joins Dick and Warren in the US Ski and Snowboard Hall of Fame.  I’m willing to bet that Greg is now one of the more eccentric people in the Hall and his unique personality makes for an entertaining podcast that’s strange at times

Greg Stump Show Notes:

2:00:  What happened when I was at his house and growing up in Maine  and being a grom

19:00:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code powell30

Evo:  The best online experience in action sports with retail to back it up

686 Technical Apparel:  The best outerwear in the world

21:30:  Radio in High School, competing, ski camp

26:45:  Winning, and meeting and The Harry Leonard Ski Shows

32:00:  Dick Barrymore, Warren Miller, starting his own thing and meeting Plake

45:30:  Spy Optic:  Get 20% off on their site using the code TPM20

10 Barrel Brewery:  Buy their beers, they support action sports more than anyone

47:15:  Blizzard of Ahhs, Lynn breaks her back, Plake comes to Chamonix

56:00:  Getting Glen back into the states, transitioning out of ski movies, and Hollywood

61:00:  Getting into The US Ski and Snowboard Hall of Fame

72:00:  Inappropriate Questions  

Mar 9, 2020

Matt Belzile is a professional snowboarder based in Whistler.  These days, most know Matt as one of the Manboys, Matt’s crew in Whistler that does everything together.  While Matt has found a comfortable home creating yearly video projects with the Manboys, he’s not new to the game at all, he’s been a paid professional for over 15 years and while there were the standard bumps in Matt’s snowboarding career, Matt has become one of the best pro’s at investing his money and making it work for him.  We talk about it all and it’s a good one. 

Matt Belzile Show Notes:

2:00:  Corona Virus, Ottawa, and skiing to snowboarding

7:30:  Local hero’s, quitting gymnastics, and going to college

13:00:  Whistler, Westbeach, and K2

19:00:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code powell30

Evo:  The best online experience in action sports with retail to back it up

686 Technical Apparel:  The best outerwear in the world

21:30:  Being Canadian, The Standard let down, and weird stuff with brands

29:00:  Money, going pro, investing, and Sean Pettit

35:30:   Spy Optic:  Get 20% off on their site using the code TPM20

10 Barrel Brewery:  Buy their beers, they support action sports more than anyone

37:15:  Partying, Videograss, and Manboys

45:00:  His body, what’s next and sponsors

48:00:  Inappropriate Questions with Jody Wachniak

Mar 2, 2020

Julien Regnier is one of the founding fathers of new school skiing.   Before there were twin tips there were pockets of bump skiers wanting to get in the snowboard park and land backwards.  Julien was in that first group that all quit moguls to invent the sport, product, tricks and culture.  On the podcast, we talk about growing up in a ski family of champions, bump skiing, finding a new way to ski, founding Armada, getting fired from Armada, going to Black Crows and more…

Julien Regnier Show Notes:

2:00:  Drinking, his mom’s ski career, getting lost in the mountain

8:00:  The Sports School, mogul skiing, and Olympics  

15:00:  Who is new school first?

19:30:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code powell30

Evo:  The best online experience in action sports with retail to back it up

686 Technical Apparel:  The best outerwear in the world

22:30:  More Olympics, moguls weren’t ready, and quitting moguls

30:00:  Moving to Canada, Pow Air, starting Armada

38:30:  Early Success, business, and changes

44:00:  Spy Optic:  Get 20% off on their site using the code TPM20

10 Barrel Brewery:  Buy their beers, they support action sports more than anyone

43:30:  Trouble at Armada, getting fired, and money

51:30:  Black Crows and ski mountaineering

56:00:  Content changes, issues or escape, and getting bought and layoffs

48:00:  Editor in Chief, gnarly terrain, and being a woman

58:00:  Inappropriate Questions with Frank Raymond

Feb 24, 2020

Sierra Shafer took a non-traditional road to her position as Editor in Chief of Powder Magazine, the pinnacle of ski journalism.  She’s an amazing writer but these days, she doesn’t write as much as she’d like to as she spends her time being the boss.  On the podcast her talk her life and times that include religion, bring struck by lightning, popularity, a big college, a small college, newspapers, Val Kilmer, skiing and a while lot more. 

Sierra Shafer Show Notes:

2:00:  Valentine’s Day, Colorado, Religion,

7:00:  Volunteering young, High School, and being tall

13:00:  Getting struck by lightning, sports, and going to college too early

22:30 :  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code powell30

Evo:  The best online experience in action sports with retail to back it up

686 Technical Apparel:  The best outerwear in the world

25:00:  Skiing in PA, Waynesburg University, and Malaysia

34:00:  Moving to LA, stars and  working for free

43:00  Spy Optic:  Get 20% off on their site using the code TPM20

10 Barrel Brewery:  Buy their beers, they support action sports more than anyone

43:30:  Intro to Powder, getting a job, and digital media

56:00:  Content changes, issues or escape, and getting bought and layoffs

48:00:  Editor in Chief, gnarly terrain, and being a woman

70:00:  Inappropriate Questions with Maro leBlance

Feb 17, 2020

Chris Logan comes from a family of pro skiers.  His younger sister Devin is an Olympic Silver Medalist and his older brother Sean was the one that motivated the Logan siblings to kill it on the mountain.  While Chris came up as a contest guy, an average one at that, his brother led him and his best friend Parker White into the back country and Chris’s world changed.  These days you’ll find Chris on the hunt for deep powder and cold beers and the podcast is an entertaining one. 

Chris Logan Show Notes:

4:00:  His girlfriend, his sister, and contests

10:00:  Growing up in NY with 5 kids, JETS and the ski program

13:00:  Finding the park, movies, and football

20:45:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code powell30

Evo:  The best online experience in action sports with retail to back it up

686 Technical Apparel:  The best outerwear in the world

22:45:  Ski school, divorce, and Parker White

30:00:  Mammoth, contests and getting into the backcountry

42:00  Spy Optic:  Get 20% off on their site using the code TPM20

10 Barrel Brewery:  Buy their beers, they support action sports more than anyone

43:30:  Level 1, Dahrkness, and breaking away from his brother’ s shadow

53:00:  Starting The Big Picture, back to Level 1, and money

45:00:  Naturally, injuries, and learning about his body

48:00:  Disappointed with other movies, body maintenance

64:00:  Inappropriate Questions with Sean Logan

Feb 10, 2020

Jake Blauvelt is a pro snowboarder who has lived a double life.  He started his career focused on competitions and found himself on a lot of podiums.  Most athletes, with that kind of success would hone their craft and continue to dominate, not Jake.  At around 20, his career shifted fully to the backcountry and he carved out a niche as the young dude who was focused on natural features.  On the podcast we talk about Jake’s life and times and it ends with some great inappropriate questions from legend, Peter Line.

Jake Blauvelt Show Notes:

4:00:  Kids and watching snowboarding

7:00:  Growing up in VT, family and maple syrup

10:00:  XC Skiing, soccer and skateboarding

13:00:  Breaking his leg skiing, learning how to fall, snowboarding and the scene

16:00:  Competitions and Forum

22:00:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code powell30

Evo:  The best online experience in action sports with retail to back it up

686 Technical Apparel:  The best outerwear in the world

24:45:  More Forum, Cole Barash, and moving out west at 16

28:00:  Mammoth parks and then focusing on pow and filming

31:00:  Is it a risk to quit contests, Devun Walsh, and partying

33:00:  Growing as a rider sponsor wise and a new agent

39:00:  Meeting Henrik, hip hop and back to weed

41 :15  Spy Optic:  Get 20% off on their site using the code TPM20

10 Barrel Brewery:  Buy their beers, they support action sports more than anyone

42:00:  His sponsor list, energy drinks, and pressure from filming

45:00:  Naturally, injuries, and learning about his body

48:00:  Disappointed with other movies, body maintenance

57:00:  Inappropriate Questions with Peter Line

Feb 3, 2020

Phil Casabon doesn’t do many interviews…what he’s known for is style on his skis and there aren’t too many in the world today that make skiing look as good as Phil.  While he has two X Games Gold Medals in the Real Snow category and competed, that’s not what Phil is all about.  He’s about edit’s that focus creativity and style.  On the podcast we talk coming up, Henrik, Wu-Tang, plants, fungus, and a lot of skiing and style.  It’s a must listen podcast.

Phil Casabon Show Notes:

2:00:  Injury and Helmets

11:00:  Growing up in Canada, ski racing and quitting

15:00:  Other sports, ski movies, rollerblading, and the scene      

19:00:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code powell30

Evo:  The best online experience in action sports with retail to back it up

686 Technical Apparel:  The best outerwear in the world

21:45:  Urban, being small, and style

25:00:  Does he have a ski future, sponsors, JP Auclair and being star struck

33:00:  Trouble with weed at 12, energy drinks, and investing

39:00:  Meeting Henrik, hip hop and back to weed

44:15  Spy Optic:  Get 20% off on their site using the code TPM20

10 Barrel Brewery:  Buy their beers, they support action sports more than anyone

46:00:  Wu-Tang, Mushrooms, and Level 1

51:00:  B & E Show, editing, and X-Games

55:00:  Inspired, Team Canada, and X-Games Real Snow

65:00:  Pro models, Nuance, and other projects

72:00:  Inappropriate Questions with Eric Iberg

Jan 27, 2020

Maxx von Marbod is a legendary businessman in the world of snowboarding.  He single-handedly has held every cool job title that you can imagine in the span of 30 years.  From sponsored rider, to tech rep, to team manager, to marketing and sales jobs, Maxx has seen and done it all.  On the podcast Maxx outlines how his career went from the runways of commercial aviation to the mountains of snowboarding. 

Maxx von Marbod Show Notes

2:00: Trade shows, Growing up in WA/ID, and Surfing

11:00: Seeing snowboarding for the first time, hunting, and wanting to be a pro snowboarder

15:00:  Pilot training and going to Western  

19:00:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code powell30

Evo:  The best online experience in action sports with retail to back it up

686 Technical Apparel:  The best outerwear in the world

21:45:  Being a tech rep, dropping out and going to Sims and dropping legends

30:00:  Faction, Option Snowboards, and  Transworld Snowboarding Magazine  

40:00:  Spy Optic:  Get 20% off on their site using the code TPM20

10 Barrel Brewery:  Buy their beers, they support action sports more than anyone

42:00:  Money at the mags  Frequency, The Snowboard Journal, and  Super Big

49:00:  Spacecraft, Pow Gloves, and his snowboard collection

55:00:  The Nidecker Group, K2, Traeger, and Lib Tech

72:00:  Inappropriate Questions with Kevin Walsh 

Jan 20, 2020

Jesse Burtner has done it all in the snowboard world.  He’s had a long pro career, he’s made some of the most influential movies in the industry and now, he’s the Marketing Director at Lib Tech.  Over the years, he’s gone from spinning Cab 9’s to suffering a TBI, to re-inventing the way he rides his board.  His influence is everywhere these days and the podcast takes us through his life and times.

Jesse Burtner Show Notes:

2:00:  WA crowds, and his head injury

7:00:  Growing up in AK, getting into snowboarding, and a different high school 

23:15:  Stanley:  Get 30% off site wide with the code powell30

Evo:  The best online experience in action sports with retail to back it up

686 Technical Apparel

26:00:  What did his parents think about snow/skate, fishing boats, and editing video

31:00:  Jason Borgstede, JB Deuce, contests, and sponsors

47:00:  Spy Optic:  Get 20% off on their site using the code TPM20

10 Barrel Brewery:  Buy their beers, they support action sports more than anyone

49:00:  Money, influencers, and getting in trouble with JAG

50:00:  The end of JB Deuce, Think Thank, and groundhogday

60:00:  Thunk and Love/Hate, Cue the Birds, and Patchwork Patterns

70:00:  Taking a job and Suzy Greenberg 270

74:00:  Inappropriate Questions

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