
The Powell Movement Action Sports Podcast

This podcast is creating a living history of action sports on a weekly basis. Think ski, snowboard, skate, bike, behind the scenes players, musicians, and more.... It has all the players and gets you the details you won't find anywhere else.
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The Powell Movement Action Sports Podcast










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Jun 26, 2017

Cam McCaul has done more in 31 years than most people do in a lifetime.  It all started with his bike and he’s never looked back.  From the beginnings of mountain biking to the slopestyle contests of today, Cam has lived through it all.  Unofficially retired from competition, Cam is still at most events, only now he’s commentating on the action.  And if you miss the comps, you can always see him hosting ‘Locals” on Outside TV.


Cam McCaul Show Notes

 1:40:  How are things in France and experiences traveling internationally.

4:14:  Where was he born and what did his parents do

6:07:  His dad was into racing motorcycles and raced before he had kids

7:22:  How did Cam get into biking and what other sports did he play?

9:07:  What was his relationship with his brother Tyler like?

10:36:  How did the movie Evolution change his outlook on what can be done on a bike .  The inspiration of Kirt Voreis

12:37:  Getting a sponsor through a RaceFace UFC video contest, other sponsors and learning the sponsorship game.

16:44:  Evo (listen for special offer) and (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS 15) 

18:20:  What does he think of the evolution and slopestyle?  What do they mean to the sport and progression?

21:50:  When is the progression to much?  When is someone going to die in one of these competitions?

26:38:  Injuries, concussions, and competing when you are a dad.

28:50:  Video parts that he’s most proud of?  Check out Sweet Morning Light edit

30:27:  Time on the Nitro Circus and the relationships he created

32:01:  Transitioning to becoming an on-camera personality.  Cam is currently the host of ‘Locals” on Outside TV.

36:46:  What will the next innovation in bikes be for both the Pros and the weekend warriors.  What is Cam’s quiver of one?

Jun 19, 2017

Jill Kintner is a badass on a bike and has been for more than half of her life.  Regardless of the discipline, she had a drive to be the best on her bike and that drive was first instilled by her dad.  Her story is a rollercoaster of emotions dominated by a lot of wins and one huge loss, it’s worthy of its own afterschool special.  Jill tells her story, from the NW, to the Olympics, and beyond.

Jill Kintner Show Notes: 

1:30:  Winning the US Open and dealing with the conditions

5:00:  Born in Seattle and chasing around her brother

7:00:  Riding transitions and other sports and what she sucks at

9:26:  Were there any girls to look up to when she was a kid?    

11:07:  Leading into my sponsors, Jill talks about hers and what they do for her.  Red Bull, Norco Bikes, Shimano  Maxxis Tires, Sombrio ClothingSmith Optics, Fabric Saddles

12:38:  Being a privateer and how her life is different than teammate Rachel Atherton.

15:38:  Why is she not racing on the World Cup anymore?

18:08:  Evo (listen for special offer) and (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS 15) 

20:10:  Becoming pro at 14 and traveling on her mom buddy passes and the support of her parents.

24:00:  Keeping her success quiet because she was shy and how she did in school

26:00:  Having a social life in high school.

28:21:  Hitting a wall with BMX and going to design school at RIT and then school in SF

30:44:  BMX is going to be part of the Olympics and then losing her dad

34:50:  Hurting her knee twice.  Once right before the games and the drama of almost not making the team

38:16:  The pressure on the top dawgs at the Olympics and her Olympic run

39:42:  The emotions of winning a medal for her Dad and with her family and then the media tour

41:20:  Win a medal get dropped from your sponsor and how the medal separates her from the rest of the bikers out there

42:52:  Re-defining herself after the Olympics and focusing on downhill.

43:58:  Her life in Bellingham and the pump track that she lobbied to have built.

Jun 12, 2017

Arlo Eisenberg was once dubbed the face and voice of his generation and his story sounds like the best 90’s movie that was never made.  Arlo, the punk rock kid from Texas drops out of the University of Texas and moves to California to become a star in a sport that isn’t really a sport yet.  He arrives on Venice Beach, gets “found” and blows up to be a global sensation who lives a life that is every 13 year old’s fantasy.  Along the way he stirs up a national controversy, hosts the X-Games and rides off into a world of graphic design.

 Arlo Eisenberg Show Notes

1:49:  Arlo the CrossFit and the similarities between CrossFit and Rollerblading

6:20:  The early days for Arlo and the history of his family

9:43:  Arlo talks about the dynamics of Texas

14:25:  Testing into public art school in Texas and being bussed to school

18:00:  Evo (listen for special offer) and (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS 15) 

19:46:  How did Arlo first see Rollerblades and Ice Skating in Texas

22:14:  Skateboarding in Texas

23:55:  Was Arlo good at any other sports?

25:35:  University of Texas and the 90’s movie that Arlo lived

31:00:  Breaking his ankle and moving to California to create his new life

35:00:  What is the look and style of Arlo at this point

36:27:  Jumping barrels on Venice, getting a place and meeting Brook Howard-Smith

39:50:  Making it shortly after getting to Venice, turning down a contract from Rollerblade and then turning it down based on principle

43:50:  Going on his first Europe trip and quitting his job in LA

46:28:  Starting Senate to cater to their product needs and ground zero for Aggressive Inline.

52:00:  did they realize how the market would develop?  What was the money like at this point.

54:28:  Spohn Ranch as a hub for skating and culture

57:00:  Not being a jock but had the talent and ability to where he expected to win contests and the pressure to win contents.

59:00:  The Frontside and Arlo’s groin issues and how that impacted him at the first X-Games.

61:00:  What did X-Games gold mean to Arlo?

63:00:  His graphic design and marketing work at Senate and the Destroy All Girls and the exposure it generated.

109:00:  How much did he make with Senate?  What did he spend his money on?  Did he invest?  How did the park come about?

114:54:  From USD to the commentating for ESPN and how was it working with ESPN?

117:46:  The ESPN meeting gone wrong for Arlo

128:18:  Is he aware of what people think of him?

129:36:  His MTV Sports story

133:00: Arlo’s Art and how unique and shocking it can be Skeptic Tattoo Blog

135:00:  Being a skeptic in life

136:07:  Joining the family business Eisenberg And Associates


Jun 5, 2017

Alex Broskow’s life is full of juxtapositions.  From dropping out of high school and moving into the dorms of the University of Kansas to being an athlete who is looked at as one of the best to ever participate in his sport…but couldn’t afford groceries.   This rare interview dives deep into the world of skating, travel and all that comes with being a pro athlete (minus money).


Alex Broskow Show Notes

:57:  how did Alex end up back in Kansas

2:30: Alex works full time at a warehouse.  Crazy for one of the best skaters in the world

3:52:  Born and raised in Kansas City and growing up playing hockey and getting into inline

8:17:  Realizing he was good at inline and being on the Gatorbladers.

9:15:  Midwest skating and being taken under the wing of the older crew, not getting caught up in the wrong thing and going on road trips to Eisenbergs

11:29:  Alex’s influences in skating

12:40:  Evo (listen for special offer) and (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS 15) 

14:19:  Moving to Florida and what that was like for him

17:40:  Moving back to Kansas (to Brenton Wheeler’s house) and eventually the dorms at the University of Kansas with Adam Johnson and did he finish high school.

21:00:  Shooting for the KFC videos

24:00:  How does he do in contests and how much is he making?

26:43:  Setting trends and is that something that is crazy to him?

28:25:  How does he deal with the shit talking that happens to rollerbladers?

31:00:  Starting Vibralux and Dead Wheels

33:10:  When did he realize skating wouldn’t pay the bills and who had a career that was cut short by alcohol or drugs.  And thoughts Aaron Feinberg

36:45:  KCMO and what Kelso said on The Mushroom Blading podcast

40:00:  Can he still do the hammers that he used to and the Champagne movie in DVD format

42:51:  Top skaters of all time

44:20:  Does he regret not playing hockey longer?

45:23:  Gap to rail with Ben Weis back in the day.

May 30, 2017

The road to wakeboard industry that Don Wallace took was different than most. From humble beginnings in Grass Valley, CA where life revolved around street rods, skiing, and hanging out with his brother/crew.  From there it was on to college in the big city of Eugene where his Surfing Magazine subscription parlayed itself into and internship and eventually a career that is highlighted by the sinking of an $80,000 boat amongst other things.

Don Wallace Show Notes:

1:14:  working with engineers in the Liquid Force world

2:31:  The Road from Nevada City to Southern California

3:49:  Life and work balance at Liquid Force

5:30:  University of Oregon and Ski racing

7:51   How a subscription to Surfing Magazine  changes his life

12:07:    Evo (listen for special offer) and (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS 15) 
14:07:  The job of a lifetime out of school, being Liquid Force’s TM

16:20:  Cutting athletes

21: 00:  Spy (25% off site wide, listen for code) and Sierra at Tahoe spots

22:00:  Vice President of Sales and Marketing

24:00:  Aaron Grace’s role

25:25:  What is he most proud of in his career?

27:05:  What is his biggest career regret aside from sinking an $80,000 boat?

28:30:  What’s next and needed in wakeboarding?

31:00:  How to get into the wakeboard industry

May 22, 2017

Shane Bonifay has been a professional wakeboarder for 21 of his 33 years. From bringing closed toe set ups to the masses, to wake-pants, to acting as the driving force behind the ‘Pointless Crew’ Shane has done a lot over his 21 years of being a pro and shares the best and worst on the podcast


Shane Bonifay Show Notes

 :10:  The hit and run saga

8:05:  Photo shoot for Liquid Force

9:39: Growing up in Lake Alfred, FL , his parents, waterskiing babies and Cypress Gardens

12:28:  Competing in three event and then getting a boat and wakeboard in 1994

13:34:  Picked up a sponsor a year and a half later (Liquid Force) and being on them for 20+ years

14:30:  Going under the knife

15:25:  Wakeboarding is a sport for the privileged, how was his lifestyle growing up?

16:30:  Waterski school at his house and the perks that came along with that.

17:41:  Other sports, rollerblading and ramps in the backyard 

19:21:  What is high school like for him?  Was he on the standard program?

20:43:   Evo (listen for special offer) and (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS) 

22:30:  School continued

23:28:  Growing up with an older brother who is crushing it on a global level and who are his influences

25:05:  The Pointless Crew and video shooting and editing today.

28:49:  Controversy on the internet and how did it impact his career?

32:14:  What does he think of contests in general?

34:36:  Spy (25% off site wide, listen for code) and Sierra at Tahoe spots

35:47:  Was there any jealousy of Parks’ success?  What was it like coming up in Parks’ world and who wins at fights?

37:35:  What are his hobbies outside of riding? 

38:30:  Jetpilot Wakeboard pants and JNCO’s

39:47:  2008 and being looked at as one of the second wave of rail guys….Any features that stick out?

42:29:  How much can a pro wakeboarder make in a year?

44:19:  The party aspect and lifestyle of his career compared to pros coming up today

45:11:  The closed toe innovation in wakeboarding and Shane’s influence

47:35:  The worst trick names in the world come from wakeboarding

48:18:  What’s next for Shane?

May 15, 2017

On paper, Joe Ciaglia's life sounds like a mob movie where the mobster, Joe, is bagging groceries at a store conveniently located across from the track.   He meets a couple older gentlemen who introduce him to the inside world of the track.  While learning the underbelly of the horse game, Joey starts winning city contracts for skate parks.   It’s an interesting rag to riches story that includes professional skateboarders (Rob Dyrdek), race horses, accusations of collusion and no mob ties that I know of.

Joe Ciaglia Show Notes

1:45:  What does Joe do?

3:00:  How the attitudes of perception around skateboarding have changed. 

4:00:  Does Joe skate

5:45:  Grew in California and then he jumps ahead in the story and I reel him back to childhood, gymnastics and graduating at 16

9:17:  Evo (listen for special offer) and (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS) 

Spy (25% off site wide, listen for code) and Sierra at Tahoe spots

10:33:  What does he do after high school?  Working at Ralphs and the Santa Anita racetrack

12:33:  Getting into the horse game and Enumclaw Washington

13:37:  Getting into the carpet cleaning hustle and then selling the company and how he gets into landscaping

15:00:  Getting into skateboarding through putting in a bid in for a skatepark and then that business exploded for him

17:46:  Was he skating at that point or did he start skateboarding once he started building parks

19:10:  The companies that Joe has under his umbrella and developing the Mega for Danny Way and the Great Wall

20:43:  Maloof Money cup and the building of a concrete park in 5 days.  They showcased their skills and that’s where he met Rob Dyrdek

22:28:  Fantasy Factory that he built in a week, Street League

23:01:  World’s Largest Skateboard

24:00:  Collusion accusations and legal issues

25:30:  Horse Racing and his history in the sport

26:55:  Rob racing a horse and Rob’s involvement in horses

28:40:  How many horses is he in on?  How much money has he made off horses?

31:39:  What are the Jockeys like?

32:20:  The Olympics and skateboarding.  Joe’s thoughts

May 8, 2017

Tom Schaar is your average 17-year-old...sometimes.  He goes to high school, likes to hang out with his brother and friends and gets in trouble with his parents for not doing his homework.  In his other life, he’s traveling the world, winning X Games gold and even finding time to buy himself an Audi.  While Tom can be the average kid on the personal level, there’s nothing average about what he brings to the table on the professional level.

Tom Schaar Show Notes:

3:00:  How did he get into skateboarding

4:00:  Being at contest as a kid seeing the pros and getting support from his parents

5:00:  Getting sponsored by Half-Pint Skateboards at 10

6:40:  Evo (listen for special offer) and (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS) 

8:18:  What are his favorite things to skate and does he ever skate street

9:00:  Traveling and are his parents going with him?

10:30:  Three places in the world he would buy a house and his jet setting life

12:00:  Skating with his idols and who has the best backyard set up of the pros and Bucky Lasek helping as a kid coming up

12:55:  Skating Mega Ramp and how long does it take to get comfortable on the ramp

15:13:  Landing the first 1080 and the response that he felt from it.

17:44:  Famous encounters

18:12:  Spy (25% off site wide, listen for code) and Sierra at Tahoe spots

19:40:  What do kids think of him at school and what does he get in trouble for?

20:30:  What is the coolest thing he’s bought with his money?

21:40:  Has he had any major injuries and what does he do when he’s not skating?

22:41:  Sponsors these days:  Monster Energy, Vans, Element

23:32:  Did he go to prom?

24:30:  Any interest in the business side of the skate industry


May 1, 2017

At first glance, there’s nothing that screams “rad” about Mike Jaquet, but at points in his career he has been one of the most influential and visionary people in the world of action sports.  From founding FREEZE Magazine to directing sales and marketing at Transworld to VP of College Sports TV (and being bought by CBS) and his last paid employment, a 5 year run as CMO of The U.S. Ski and Snowboard Association that ended 4/1, Mike has left positive legacies everywhere he's been.  His career has developed and intersected with influential personalities and moments in sports and we chat about them…

Mike Jaquet Show Notes:

2:34:  Leaving his most current role as CMO of The U.S. Ski and Snowboard Association

3:18:  The early years growing up in Sun Valley (Ketchum)

7:07:  Mike as a champion cross country ski racer

9:54:  Going to the University of Colorado, getting in-state tuition and spending time with Kent Kreitler

11:30:  The house in college where he lived with Shane McConkey, Kent and DJ Hodge and the story behind the Boulder Riots

15:43:  Evo (listen for special offer) and (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS) 

17:20:  Ski Movie, A movie that comes out in 1992 that Mike Jaquet edited and shot parts of (you can see the edits in McConkey) for a journalism project in college.  How to see the lost footage of the McConkey

21:35:  Huge cliffs with Shane in the 90’s, the Lake Powell trip and the insane footage they captured and what he was doing on snow

23:10:  Was he there when Shane was banned in Vail?   Jasper Gray, Futuristic Films

24:00  Was there any chance or interest in being sponsored?

25:20:  Did he understand the importance of McConkey while he in college?

27:19:  His football show in college, big time players and earning the nickname “The Convincer”

31:14:  Going to Hollywood with his VHS Reel and getting his break with his ski movie getting on RSN

32:27:  Working with Anna Nicole Smith on a topless show “Edenquest” and moving from PA to Director in 24 hours

35:28:  Spy (25% off site wide, listen for code) and Sierra at Tahoe spots

37:18:  A reality show TV treatment that turns into FREEZE Magazine and the early days of FREEZE and Transworld gives him 200K to start the mag with issue 1 and it made money because the pitch was easy

43:11:  Signing teenagers to contracts and sending them around the world to party

45:29:  Shane and other new school skiers and what made Shane different and the credit he deserves in terms of marketing and development.

47:16:  There is something in the water in Tahoe

48:13:  The US Open in Vail and why the breakout year was kept off ESPN and was a huge  missed opportunity but they cashed in on the Lifestyles condoms deal

52:31:  Why Transworld killed FREEZE and what has happened to them by only listening to spreadsheets and not the market or advertisers

57:14:  Working for startups and his next startup venture, CSTV.  Who he met, what he learned and getting bought by CBS and making a little bit of money  and then working at CBS

1:01:00:  Taking a role at the USSA as CMO and working for Bill.  What happened to his Anti FIS attitude?  What did he accomplish at the USSA.  Would he still be there if Bill was still at the USSA? 


Apr 24, 2017

When it comes to Ian McIntosh, there's no flair, tricks, or showmanship... what you see is what you get.  He started skiing at age two, was digging pits in the back country at age 8 and sitting in guide meetings at 10.  Ian was born into the mountain lifestyle and this self-described “redneck” is a powerful  skier who is the epitome of what Tight Loose is all about. 

Ian McIntosh Show Notes

 2:35:   Thoughts on the Armada deal

 3:56    It’s been a great season for soul shredding

 5:28:   What he’s realized that he’s 36 years old in the ski industry related to content

 9:00:   Who Ian is in the ski industry and in life…

11:32:  Ian’s race background, his tight loose mentality, born in the backcountry

15:50:  Quitting racing and being rich on life

17:10:  Fernie to Kicking Horse to selling everything to live the eternal winter in NZ

18:08:  Moving to Whistler

18:53:  Evo (listen for special offer) and (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS) 

21:00:  Dirtbagging it in Whistler

23:39:  The World Tour and the secret to success on the tour and filming

25:47:  Coming out of the closet and living with James Heim and Dana Flahr but still skiing poor

27:09:  Did the change in judging pull him off the tour?  His thoughts on the tour now

28:51:  He gets a tryout with TGR and gets a seat 

29:55:  In heli’s with Jeremy Jones and Sage

30:50:  Spy (25% off site wide, listen for code) and Sierra at Tahoe spots

32:00:  Divorce and drama in 2011

34:49:  The crash that changed his skiing

36:57:  Injuries stacking up and sponsors sticking with him The North Face, Marker, Volkl, Smith

39:45:  When does human powered adventure start?  It’s all about slowing it down

42:00:  Thoughts on Julian Carr

43:39:  Being Leonardo Dicaprio’s stunt double and chilling with Tom Hardy

45:29:  Getting into speed flying

Apr 18, 2017

Kevin English went from a dream job managing athletes to a dream job managing campers/counselors, and it hasn’t been easy.  He’s lived through corporate layoffs, corporate selloffs and eventually, the drama that comes along with purchasing a passion-based project with friends.  We talk about K2, Travis Parker, buying summer camp, merging with the competition and a lot more

Kevin English Show Notes: 

 2:42:    What has Kevin been up to?  Work grinding, life grinding family grinding

 5:00:    HCSC snowboard competition and how many campers do they need each summer to succeed?

 8:20:    HCSC and Windells Sells fun….but there’s a lot more to that.

 9:27:   Kevin and my camp experiences as kids and East Cost camp legacy’s

12:20:  Riding for Simms and his first summer at HCSC

13:40:  Evo (listen for special offer) and (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS) 


15:25:  Growing up in Donner Summit and how he got into snowboarding and other sports growing up

18:07:  What does he do after High School?   

21:08:  Sugar Bowl, a lot more exciting than it read on Linked in.

22:20:  Counselor and then coach, then Head Coach at HCSC

23:09:  His K2 days:  Vashon, layoffs,

25:00:  K2 Snowboarding Rollerblading Ad and the back story

28:55:  Travis Parker

33:57:  Who’s career did he have to end (Brian Savard ) as a TM at K2?

36:00:  Who’s career did you help (Gretchen Bleiler) at K2?

37:20:  Spy (25% off site wide, listen for code) and Sierra at Tahoe spots

38:55:  How did he get back into summer camp?  Running the business for Vans

40:21:  Vans is dumping camp because it doesn’t fit in the portfolio and Kevin puts a buying group together and buying camp

42:36:  Kevin leaves camp to develop real estate

40:12:  Megan and Preston leave, big changes at camp

46:50:  Getting his MBA and why he felt he had to do so

48:40:  Merging with Windells, how does that happen and the vision for the future

Apr 10, 2017

Peter Line is the visionary snowboarding icon who helped start the “Rider Owned” movement in snowboarding.  When Peter wasn’t busy creating the best team of snowboarders in the history of the sport-The Forum 8- He was creating tricks, the Backside Rodeo, that would completely change the sport.  Still a player in the sport today, Peter now spends his time out of the spotlight, designing clothing for Dakine, board graphics and pursuing his other artistic passions.


Peter Line Show Notes

 3:10:  Born in Media PA and not remembering it and the PA Bikinni team

 4:10:  What’s the morning of Peter Line look like?  Designing for Dakine and what that looks like being a remote employee

 6:00:  Everything is self-taught.  It started at Four Square in 1996

 7:19:  Growing up in Kirkland, skateboarding and what snowboarding was like in the beginning

 9:15:  What group did he hang with in High School?

10:40:   Evo (listen for special offer) and (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS) 

12:00:  How did he get gear and things growing up.  He didn’t watch TV for an entire year.

13:20:  The crew he snowboarded with and was there any skiing in his background?

14:15:  When did he realize he was good and he was going to focus his life on snowboarding?  Division 23 Shoot

15:40:  Kurt Heine, video parts and his career taking off

17:19:  Did he start Forum and Foursquare himself?   

19:25:  The Forum 8 and making money

21:25:  Spy (25% off site wide, listen for code) and Sierra at Tahoe spots

23:00:  From Blockbuster Video to making money, Mack Dawk, The X-Games and his parents pride.

25:40:  The effects of alcohol and partying on his life?

26:40:  Injuries throughout his career:  Knee, Shoulder, Arm, Foot, Back…. The injury that made him think about if the risk was worth it.

29:00:  Standout moments of his career

30:30:  When he did come to terms with not being a pro rider anymore?

31:00:  Killing Forum and Foursquare and the end of an era

33:30:  The Limo business

35:00:  What’s next?  Things he can’t talk about

35:35:  Rapping with MCA (Beastie Boys) and kissing Uma Thurman

Apr 3, 2017

Doug Bishop, the GM of is more than just a visionary in action sports.  He’s a passionate skier who is focused on building community while wearing his heart on his sleeve.  These days he finds himself behind a desk, selling the dream that is skiing in the digital world and creating a second home for skiers all over the world.  While he didn’t have a solid plan out of high school, Doug’s career blossomed into owning a piece and selling said piece of, rising to the position of GM of the site and when traveling, being one of the scariest people at the bar (in a good way…I think)


Doug Bishop Show Notes


2:33 His title and what he does at Newschoolers

4:34:  Born into skiing and being a ski racer and why every skier should wear spandex at least once


6:54:  Doing Orienteering?  A sport that kids like Doug did in Canada

8:19:  Attempting to go to Carleton University with the idea of being a writer, seeing Freeze Magazine, deciding to drop out to become a pro skier and what his family thought about that.

12:00:  High North Ski Camp

15:30:  Getting certified, coaching park skiing and helping create the Level 1 for Canada and then getting a job at Blue Mountain on the park staff and competing when not working.

17:17:  His pro career, using Newschoolers for the first time and who is Matt Harvery.

20:50: (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS) and Evo (listen for special offer)

22:30:  How did the first meeting with Harvey go, what happens when he takes a job with Freeskier?

24:52:  realizing running the park was not going to happen at Blue Mountain, coming to the realization that he was losing every contest and his girlfriend leaves him and making a huge shift in life:  moving to Montreal and selling for NS.

27:00:  When did he start turning NS around with advertising dollars and then selling Newschoolers and getting paid.

29:31:  Spy (25% off site wide, listen for code) and Sierra at Tahoe spots

31:00:  The big changes that they experienced once Newschoolers was owned, The good and bad.

33:13:  The latest acquisition has Doug working in print as well as digital.  What he learns from print and what they take from him. 

34:26:  What marketers need to know

36:04:  When Doug feels print is more important than digital

37:48:  His antiestablishment attitude and how does he shake it up as he gets older?  And why is the youth not angry anymore?

41:25:  Reporting the news, good and bad.  What kind of hoodie was John Spriggs looking for and the reaction to this on the site and comparing that to the Nick Goepper news a couple of years ago.

Mar 27, 2017

Jonny Moseley was the competitor that brought “New School” skiing to the masses.  While the changing of the guard was happening in skiing on an underground level via the New Canadian Airforce, Jonny took it mainstream, winning Olympic Gold.  Outside of competitions, Jonny was a fixture in early ski movies and has remained an ambassador for the sport he loves.  He dives deep into the details of what made Jonny Moseley successful.

Jonny Moseley Show Notes:

 2:10 The charmed life of Jonny Moseley and what’s up at K2

 4:06:  Glen Plake stories

 7:03:  Born in Puerto Rico

10:45:  Evo (listen for special offer) and (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS) 

12:02:  Growing up in CA and getting into skiing

13:58:  Inspired by Dan “Squirrel“ Herby and Brad Holmes

16:26:  When skiing gets more serious and winning Junior Nationals

21:00:  Getting on the US Ski Team

22:53:  Spy (25% off site wide, listen for code) and Sierra at Tahoe spots

23:57:  The sport is changing, are you a part of it?

27:09:  The scene and wanting to be a part of it. 

29:28:  Winning, earning the 360 Mute Grab and becoming an Olympic Gold Medalist

33:37:  Fun partying and growing up after the Olympics

36:36:  Skiing’s New School has fully arrived

38:37:  The K2 Days and the real story of why he left

43:58:  Getting on Head and winning the US Open

46:44:  Mad Trix  

49:16: The road to 2002 Olympic Games,  getting FIS approval on the Dinner Roll, and 4th place

56:43:  Top moments and regrets

1:00:59:  My perception of Moseley shattered over dinner conversation

Mar 20, 2017

Anthony De Rocco has done all there is to do in the Snow Sports Industry.  From engineering, to sales and marketing to CEO.  The “work hard, play hard” philosophy has led Anthony to the peaks of many mountains,  the heart of China and now, the forefront of American Ski, Snowboard, Surf and Skate manufacturing.


Anthony De Rocco Show Notes


2:50:  I ask what life was like as a youth for Anthony. Anthony gives an overview of his career.

4:51:  Getting into snow sports and skiing at Ski Acres (Summit Central)

5:43:  Playing soccer for University of Washington and Gonzaga

6:30:  Getting older and living younger.  Anthony lives by the phrase “work hard, play hard”

8:06:  Scholarships, Spokane and skiing

9:45:  Anthony’s best college story involves a party reptile and meeting his future wife.

11:00:  What happens after graduating from Gonzaga?

12:00:  Evo (listen for special offer) and (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS) 

13:31:  Being recruited by Notre Dame and University of Washington

14:55:  Working for Boeing, The Robbins Company and finally Olin in 1990

16:30:  The Olin, the early K2 days and the travel that goes along with it.

19:10:  What was his role in the snowboard side of things in the early days?

20:18:  What synergies are you finding between ski and snowboard design in the early days?  How did you learn from each other?

22:30:  Spy (25% off site wide, listen for code) and Sierra at Tahoe spots 

23:52:  What was the problem with skiing in the mid 90’s?

25:49:  Executive Vice President of K2, the production shift and being the messenger

29:44:  The travel and how much does it impact the family?

33:00:  2011-2014 CEO of K2.  Did he have CEO aspirations?

34:15:  How did he end up moving from CEO of K2 to running K2 China?

35:00:  How did he get the job as CEO of Mervyn Manufacturing and what’s it like?

36:58:  Green manufacturing, solvents, why Mervyn is the best he has ever seen (Anthony has seen almost every snow sports factory in the world) and American Made.

40:08:  State of the art new offices in Seattle

41:45:  The differences between K2 and Mervyn and getting better every year

43:00:  What’s on the horizon:  Bent Metal, Skis

44:48:  Surf:  Mike Olson driven process that creates counter-seasonal business.

Mar 13, 2017

Leanne Pelosi is known for putting her blood sweat and tears into any project she is a part of aside from working at Earl’s (A long time ago).  She’s been named Rookie of the Year, Rider of the Year and this year won the first-ever Influencer Award.  Leanne’s career and film project can be looked at as a vehicle for the progression of snowboarding and raising awareness for women, both past and present, who shred.


Leanne Pelosi Show Notes:


  :20:    What has Leanne been up to this fall?

5:12     From oil to snowboarding

7:44:    Getting carded in Canada

8:32:    Evo (listen for special offer) and (Listen for 10% off your first order with   DCS) 

10:43:   Moving to Whistler against her parents’ wishes and sponsorship the Bieber way

13:30:  Contest mentality

15:35:  Focusing on filming

16:45:  Working at Earls

19:40:  Full Moon movie

20:17:  Spy (25% off site wide, listen for code) and Sierra at Tahoe spots

25:30:  Loyalty to her snowboard sponsors

27:35:  Gender inequity in snowboarding

30:40:  Best trip ever

33:15:  What does snowboarding need?


K2 Snowboards

Airblaster Outerwear

Dakine Backpacks  

Dragon Goggles

Lifetime Clothing

Whistler Blackcomb


Feb 28, 2017

There are few people more passionate about having 8 wheels under their feet than Mo Sanders.  From his professional inline skate days to when he was a featured character on TNN’s RollerJam series, Mo has made a career, in turbulent worlds, that only happen when you have the athletic ability that Mo has.   These days, Mo, also known as Quadzilla, is an entrepreneur and World Champion who globetrots the world getting skaters into shape.

Mo Sanders Show Notes

    :30: Growing up in Tacoma

  2:30: Getting into Roller Skating

  5:45:  Becoming Lanny’s Kid

  8:41:  Who was Mo in High School

10:30:  Evo (listen for special offer) and (Listen for 10% off               your first order with DCS)

12:00:  The inline boom

20:00:  Spy (25% off site wide, listen for code) and Sierra at Tahoe spots

21:16:  The death of inline for Mo

24:00 :  Roller Jam

27:09:  Roller Derby is back

30:30:  The need for better derby products

33:30:  Quadzilla can teach and you better come prepared to work

38:30:  The Olympics and Derby


Antik Skateboots 

Reckless Wheels

Heartless Wheels

Moto Bearings

Gumball Toe-stops



Feb 27, 2017

Chris Haffey is part athlete, part stuntman, part survivor.  He’s a professional rollerblader who started getting recognition for his skating when the industry was at its peak and became one of the top skaters in the world  as the bottom was dropping out.  While his peers were leaving the sport to find other ways to support themselves, Chris landed on the Nitro Circus, touring arenas across the globe with a motley crew of bad-asses.


Chris Haffey Show Notes:

1:45:     In Japan on tour with the Nitro Circus

4:45:    Growing up all over the country and getting into skating

7:45:    Daily Bread Magazine days

9:19:    Getting published and shooting as much as he could

10:05:  Evo ad and discount code


11:30:  Was skating something that consumed everything he did?  Was he on be-mag

12:09:  Meeting Chris Farmer in a chatroom

13:45:  Who did he skate with when he was coming up, Brian Bell and Esco Zoo

14:50:  What was High School like for him?

17:30:  What did his parents think about him getting his GED?

19:30:  Did he party when he was traveling to contests?

22:02:  Spy Optics ad and discount code

22:42:  Sierra At Tahoe ad

23:24:  Being a street skater and then transitioning to contests and the differences

26:44: and making money in skating

28:40:  Dealing with people flipping you shit when you skate

31:16:  Park Etiquette  

32:16:  Finding inspiration in skiing and which skiers influence him and Is he familiar with Slvsh

34:37:  What does he think of people looking to him to “save” rollerblading?

37:10:  Fun on the road with the Nitro family

39:07:  How is his body at this point?

41:04:  Will we see another street section from Chris Haffey?

Feb 20, 2017

Sherry McConkey is the most positive, toughest woman I know.  She grew up in politically charged South Africa, traveled the world, and landed in Squaw Valley, CA.  Her story is one of adventure, love, loss and making a difference in her community and the world all while being an amazing role model for daughter Ayla, and the rest of the Tahoe community.

Sherry McConkey Show Notes

2:00:  What is going on right now in Squaw Valley

3:30:  What was it like growing up in South Africa

9:39:  Evo (listen for special offer) and (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS) 

12:08:  Stories of leaving the real world to travel the whole world and find her birth father

18:17:  From Whistler to Squaw Valley, snowboarding and staying in the US

20:40:  First time meeting Shane and the beginning of the future

20:33:  Spy (25% off site wide, listen for code) and Sierra at Tahoe spots  

23:57:  What was the first trip like with Shane?

26:54:  Preggo with Ayla

29:15:  Outside TV FREE WEEK

30:22:  What did she think of what Shane did and did she ever BASE Jump?

34:04:  What was Shane’s life like in terms of travel and how was he as a dad?

36:12:  Managing life with two kids in the house; Ayla and Shane

38:36:  Life after Shane

41:06:  The Shane McConkey Foundation


**Some show sponsors have special codes in their ads that save you $$$$$


Feb 13, 2017

Miles Daisher

Show Notes

1:54:  Air Force Brat, High School, College 

6:30   Being a College Mascot and Fraternities

9:30:  Evo and Diecutstickers spot and redemption code

10:46:  Post Grad year in Squaw and meeting Jimbo Fritsch, Jay Mueller, Shane McConkey, Frank Gambali. Kreitler and MC, Primal Instinct Bungee House

15:25 Mentor in B.A.S.E.

18:06 Living in a tent

21:35 Ski B.A.S.E

24:22 Spy and Sierra at Tahoe spots and redemption codes

25:37 Year in Chicago

29:18 Back to Squaw

31:30 Crazy Schedule

32:30: spot

41:16 Instructing

45:42 RedBull Airforce

48:38: Dealing with people thinking he’s selfish/crazy

50:27: Jumping out of planes without parachutes

53:08 Recent video of wingsuit guy crashing into trees and living

Feb 6, 2017

Jason Levinthal has been a visionary in the ski industry for over 20 years.  He's know for brand building genius, blue-collar work ethic and keeping his finger on the pulse of tomorrow.  He started the revolutionary ski company, Line Skis, out of his parent’s garage and eventually was forced to sell his baby (while still managing it and other brands) to The Jarden Corporation.  Jason’s entrepreneurial spirit and passion for timely innovation led him to leave the comfort of his corporate check and start again from scratch with J Skis. 

Jason Levinthal, Owner, J Skis

Jason Levinthal Show Notes

:31:  What is Jason up to these days?

1:19: Typical work week for Jason

3:30:  What group did Jason fit into in High School?

5:26:  Jason talks college

7:17:  The foundation of Line Skis

8:39:  Why the name Line?

11:10:  Did anyone believe in Jason Levinthal in the early days?

12:29:  At Ski Magazine tests Jason is asked why is he there and told to “throw his skis down the stairs.”

13:55:  Sacrificing life for the brand

16:06:  Did Jason ever think about enforcing the twin tip patent and working with other brands

21:48:  The Reactor Binding and bindings in general

26:40:  K2 buys Line

28:50:  The future of Levinthal is J Skis

31:10:  Josh Malczyk and his Line and Levinthal history

33:00:  The game-changing development process of J Skis

35:29:  Biggest career regrets

37:42:  What is Jason most proud of in his career?

Jan 30, 2017

Tom Wallisch is one of the best skiers of his time and is still as humble as they come.  From the streets, to the internet, to the X-Games and the big screen, Tom is known for being technical as much as he is known for style.  Pretty impressive for a kid who grew up skiing in MD and PA. 


Monster Energy GoPro Line Skis The North Face Skullcandy Full Tilt ShredOptics

Slytech Protection Bose Seven Springs Resort Marker Bindings

Show Notes


  1:00:  Breaking his neck mountain biking

  3:06:  East Coast Skiing and being a grom

  9:07:  High North Camp

10:30:  Move to Utah for college

12:16:  Evo and spots and codes. 

13:30:  Winning the Superunknown contest

17:04:  Rail skiing

22:40:  Sketchy urban situations

24:05:  Spy Optic and Sierra at Tahoe spots

26:00:  Sponsors

29:24:  Scholarships

34:45:  Contests and the future of Tom’s skiing

36:50:  Setting trends

39:00:  The world record rail

41:00:  What to expect this season from Tom

43:30:  What others think of Tom Wallisch

Jan 23, 2017

Snowboarding and hard work have done everything for Pat Bridges.  A writer by trade, Pat is also a talented snowboarder who proves the old saying “you can’t judge a book by its cover.”  Pat and I talk about developing his writing craft through snowboarding, the theme of his life and the road to Snowboarder Magazine.

Pat Bridges Show Notes

1:21:  What has Pat been up to?

2:19:  What’s a typical week look like to Pat?

3:48:  Who was Pat in High School, how did he get into snowboarding and what else did he do?

5:14:  What happens after High School?

7:48:  Who are Pat’s Snowboard sponsors and what is that life like? Rossignol Uvex Airwalk Scott

8:12: supports “The Powell Movement” and created a special offer for YOU!

8:55: “The Powell Movement” Sponsor lets you know how to get a free set up as a thank you for listening.

10:56:  What jobs and people helped shape Pat’s career in Snowboarding and what was his secret to writing success?  East Infection Zine

15:12:  What other jobs has he had at Snowboarder and what are his responsibilities as Creative Director?

21:09: is all about the Happy Lens.  If you haven’t tried them out yet, Spy has created a special offer for listeners that makes it an easy decision to pick up a pair of Spy’s.

21:51: is the place to avoid crowds in the Tahoe area.  Don’t spend a fortune on lift tickets to stand in line wishing you were at Sierra at Tahoe, go there instead.

22:51:  Pat talks about the dream job.

24:49:  Biggest career regret

26:11:  What is Pat most proud of?  Jake Burton Interview

28:27:  Did he wear the half beard in the Playboy Mansion Grotto?  Pat Bridges Half-Beard

Jan 16, 2017

Jeremy Jones is an American badass who has inspired countless people to head to the mountains.  He dabbles in business and politics, but is known for snowboarding.


Jones Snowboards



Clif Bar

Jeremy Jones Show notes:

1:51:  I couldn’t help myself and jumped right into Protect Our Winters and Politics

3:24:  How Protect Our Winters is taking the election, what’s the new strategy and how will they make a difference moving forward?

9:58:  Did Jeremy ever think he would be so involved in politics?

11:17: supports “The Powell Movement” and created a special offer for YOU!

12:02:  “The Powell Movement” Sponsor lets you know how to get a free set up as a thank you for listening.

12:50:  How did Jeremy get into snowboarding?  Where did he grow up?  What was that like?

15:31:  Other sports growing up and what was Jeremy like in High School? 

20:22:  Snowboard racing days and searching for powder on the days off

24:08: is all about the Happy Lens.  If you haven’t tried them out yet, Spy has created a special offer for listeners that makes it an easy decision to pick up a pair of Spy’s.

24:50: is the place to avoid crowds in the Tahoe area.  Don’t spend a fortune on lift tickets to stand in line wishing you were at Sierra at Tahoe, go there instead.

25:28:  Was there big money in snowboarding for Jeremy in the 90’s?

26:18:  What is the transition from being a racer on to riding big mountains?

27:23:  Visiting his brothers in Jackson Hole

29:26:  Riding with Johan.

31:17:  What is the level of snow safety in the early days?

34:34:  Getting the gear he wanted with Rossignol.

36:22:  The fear of creating your own brand.  The launch of

40.46:  The future of Squaw Valley.

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