
The Powell Movement Action Sports Podcast

This podcast is creating a living history of action sports on a weekly basis. Think ski, snowboard, skate, bike, behind the scenes players, musicians, and more.... It has all the players and gets you the details you won't find anywhere else.
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The Powell Movement Action Sports Podcast










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Dec 25, 2017

Roy Tuscany was that cocky, aspiring pro skier that I’m sure everyone knew at one point.  He had his life together, graduated from college and moved out west to pursue his ski dreams.  When Roy overshot a jump and suffered a life altering injury, everything changed.  He realized that there was more to life than himself and that it was time to give others the support he received when he had his accident.  Through the High Fives Foundation, that punk kid has become a selfless adult who strives to make the world a more fun place, especially for people going through what he did.


Roy Tuscany Show Notes:

2:00:  What has Roy been up?  Buying a house and engaged

5:02: Born and raised in Vermont and being an only child

6:40:  Sports growing up and getting into skiing

8:25   Evo (Use the code TPM10 for 10% off at checkout) and (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS 15)

10:10:  Is into the ski scene back in the day, who influences him and summer camps?

12:00:  What kind of kid was Roy in HS and being known for an unfortunate incident involving vomit and a police officer.

16:00:  Going to UNH and UVM and the Budweiser Aerial Assault Tour and what is his personality like at this point.

 23:00:  Moving out west after college to pursue the ski dream in Tahoe.

26:00:  RESQWATER (enter the code resqwatertpm for a 20% discount on a 12 pack)  Click here: RESQWATER and Sierra At Tahoe

27:30:  The defining moment of his life:  The injury

34:00:  The hospital and surgery

39:00:  The weeks after the injury

41:00:  Physical therapy and walking out of the hospital and what’s next

45:40:  Moving back East, getting botox and finding out that was a very bad decision and dark time in his life

50:00:  Moving back to Tahoe and working with Ladd Williams and how long did it take him to get back on snow and what was that process

53:00:  The first event and starting The High Fives Foundation

57:38:  Drinking and divorce

60:00:  Getting healthy 

62:00:  Amazing experiences  

Dec 18, 2017

Spencer O’Brien is one of the top slopestyle competitors in the world, which is an amazing feat considering that she suffers from Rheumatoid Arthritis.  On the podcast, we talk about her decorated snowboarding career, what the Olympics mean to her and how she is still able to compete while suffering from a debilitating disease.  Don’t’ miss it!

Spencer O'Brien Show Notes

1:15:  What is Spencer up to now?

3:49:  Vancouver sports and growing up in Alert Bay and getting into skiing

6:00:  Three girls and how they were raised and working on fishing boats

9:00:  Evo (Use the code TPM10 for 10% off at checkout) and (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS 15)

10:15: Getting into snowboarding at 11 and riding everything at contests

15:00:  Riding pipe, Olympic dreams and then getting into slopestyle

19:00: Air awareness and gymnastics backgrounds and where does snowboarding go

23:00:  Who was she in high school and what was she like?

24:13:  Sponsored sister living in Whistler and how does Spencer make it up there?

26:30:  Getting an agent, getting sponsored, and affording Whistler

29:30:  The strangest things she’s done for money

31:00:  What are the big events that made people notice her?

33:00:  The Olympics Vs. the X Games

34:30:  RESQWATER and Sierra At Tahoe

35:55:  Contests wins, droughts, and nerves while competing

39:00:  Representing Nike as a snowboarder

43:30:  Who pays her? And what happened to APO?

46:07:  Diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis before the Sochi Olympics, taking drugs for it and testing.

51:45:  The negatives around the Olympics and what she things of them

58:34:  Getting hurt at the X Games

101:00:  Qualifying for the Olympics in North Korea

103:00:  What’s next after this last Olympic experience

Dec 11, 2017

Jaimeson Keegan’s professional life has been one that every high school kid, who’s not the best at what they do sports-wise, dreams of.  He went from college to the music industry in Seattle when it was on fire and left that world for a company, RedBull, that no-one had really heard of yet.  That career choice created countless opportunities, the latest of which is his decade old sports agency, Superheroes Management.  For a desk jockey, he has a great story.


Jaimeson Keegan Show Notes

2:29:  What does an average week look like for Jaimeson

5:00:  Growing up in Rhode Island, sports, skateboarding, punk rock and family

12:43:  Evo (Use the code TPM10 for 10% off at checkout) and (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS 15)

14:00:  Indiana University, fraternities and more

19:25:  Moving to Seattle, bussing tables  and getting into the music business

29:15:  RESQWATER (enter the code resqwatertpm for a 20% discount on a 12 pack.  Click here: RESQWATER and Sierra At Tahoe

31:40:  Getting into Redbull and Lords of the Floor

35:20:  Moving to Puerto Rico and becoming a sports marketing manager

42:04:  Moving to Canada as the Head of Sports and Culture at RedBull and the athletes he worked with there.

50:14:  How did he become an agent and starting Superheroes Management?

58:30:  How much time do athletes get?

100:30:  Breaking up with athletes  

Dec 4, 2017

Bobby Brown didn’t start skiing until he was 11 years old and just 7 years later found himself standing on top of the X-Games podium, which he considers more important than the Olympics.  Bobby and I talk about coming up, his career, his final shot at Olympic Gold and everything in between.

Bobby Brown Show Notes:

1:17:  What is Bobby up to now and what was his summer like

2:25:  Watching the Broncos lose the Super Bowl when he was in Sochi

3:50:  Getting into skiing at 11 years old, the X-Games and what other sports he was into. 

6:41:  Is he one of those natural athletes that is good at everything and High School

10:00:  Being inspired by Jonny Moseley and skiing everyday 11:30: 

13:30:  Was there any academy training in his life?

14:00:  Skiing for 7 years and then winning X-Games gold and how the progression of tricks worked for Bobby

15:40:  Bobby’s Sponsors:  Smith, Red Bull, GoPro, Lifeproof and Salomon

16:04:  Evo (listen for special offer) and (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS 15)

17:40:  Winning his first contest and having Saga as his first sponsor and making sponsor me resume’s and getting real sponsors 16

20:00: Being part of the Salomon super team and being involved with his sponsors?

23:05:  Not taking advantage of a RedBull opportunity with his first reality show and the RedBull performance side

26:09:  His first X-Games experience and getting his first spot from Tanner Hall and then winning medals

28:30:  Wrapping his head around the rotations that he’s doing

31:05:  What skiers was he tight with?

32:17:  Deciding to be a real athlete health-wise for the Olympics

33:15:  RESQWATER and Sierra At Tahoe 

36:16:  What happened in Sochi?  The drama of making the team

38:40:  Moving to the Backcountry in Be Water and Roots Lead to Water

40:35:  Gearing up for South Korea and the Olympics

42:23:  The exposure of big events and the X Games is more important than the Olympics to Bobby

43:45:  Slvsh and the excitement around it

44:40:  What is the dumbest thing that anyone’s ever asked him to do for money? 

Nov 27, 2017

Kimmy  Fasani has never let the lows of life drag her down and she’s been through some painful experiences on her way to and at the peak of her snowboarding career.   She also hasn’t let the highs of being a top level professional snowboarder get to her head.   How long will that career last now that, coming of her best season ever on paper, Kimmy is pregnant with Chris Benchetler’s baby and her contracts are set to expire?  Hear what Kimmy has to say on the podcast.


Kimmy Fasani Show Notes:

1:11:  Chasing Adventure and the ski and snowboard rivalry

5:39:  Born and raised in Truckee and having a single mom and a 1-legged dad.

9:00:   Evo (listen for special offer) and (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS 15)

11:29:  Skiing at 2 years old and getting her first snowboard at 9 and being an only child

15:32:  Her USSA days and competition and gymnastics

17:50:  Losing her dad at 14 and how that affects her

22:00   RESQWATER and Sierra At Tahoe   

23:30:  Getting a call from Shannon Dunn, getting product sponsors, and working at Totally Board

25:18:  Moving to Mammoth and going to CC and University of Phoenix

27:31:  Getting dropped by Burton and giving it one more year

28:39:  Getting sponsored as a woman in snowboarding and expectations?

33:54:  DC and getting into filming with Leanne Pelosi and going to AK and filming with Standard

38:30:  Getting back on Burton, other sponsors (Zeal, Cliff Bar, Lulu Lemon, SkullCandy) and a huge year for her.

42:58:  What’s going to happen now that she pregnant and all her contracts are up?

47:50:  Giving back to snowboarding with Amusement Mountain

51:03:  The firsts for women that she’s achieved and what’s wrong with the people behind the scenes of media

53:16:  Losing her mom to cancer

59:00:  More about the baby and choices

Nov 27, 2017

 Kris “Jaymo” Jamieson is one of the nicest and unintentionally cool people you will ever meet.  He doesn’t try to be the man, he just is and his passion is contagious.  He’s done everything you can do in action sports at the highest level, from being an athlete, media personality, desk jockey and now, to start up partner.  He’s never done anything soley for money, it’s always been about passion and the money has followed.


Kris 'Jaymo' Jamieson Show Notes

 2:00:  What is Evo Gimbals  and traveling to China

6:03:  Growing up in Hawaii, getting his first surf board from Gerry Lopez.  Skateboarding is the catalyst for everything that he’s ever done

10:40:   Evo (listen for special offer) and (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS 15)

12:00:  Moving back to OR and getting in to skiing and then snowboarding

14:50:  Going to OSU and what kind of dude was he, dropping out and working at Hoodoo Ski bowl

16:45:  Meeting Mike Olson and Pete Saari and getting on Gnu

17:50:  Riding for Gnu and the riders at the time

22:00:  What happened to Gnu and riding race boards

25:15:  RESQWATER and Sierra At Tahoe 

26:33   Joyride and Lib Tech snowboards and the Lib Salomon parody

30:00:  Running the first summer camp at Hood and the beginning of High Cascade

33:40:  Ski vs. Snowboard and making money

37:33:  Jeff Brushie and creative ability

40:40:  Being a Journalist, announcing, Sal Masakela

47:11:  Radio show and music

53:44:  # 30 at Go Pro and the layoffs

Nov 13, 2017

While Sage Cattabriga Alosa had set his goal on being a professional skier, his ski career was made in one shoot and he never looked back.   From racing in Wyoming to chasing the Collins Brothers around in Utah, Sage honed his craft and became one of the best skiers of his time.  His exploits are legendary, his movie segments many and his outlook on things is a little bit different and that’s just one of the things that makes him awesome on and off the hill.


Sage Cattabriga Alosa Show Notes:

1:54:  Sage’s compound and having twins two months early

5:50:  Born in his grandmother’s house

9:00:   Evo (listen for special offer) and (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS 15)

10:18:  Moving to Alta, Wyoming growing up  and how he got into skiing

15:06:  Traveling to Oregon, living in a teepee

19:20:  Ski racing and skiing at Targhee and what movies is he into in high school?

24:15:   RESQWATER and Sierra At Tahoe 

25:41:  Winning a pair of skis from Plake, moving to Bend, going to college, winning Salomon 1080’s and meeting the Chris Collins  

32:00:  Meeting Kris Ostness, Pete O’Brien and Jordan Judd and then moving to Utah, working at the Peruvian and skiing.

36:26:  Plake encounters that have had an impact

38:53:  What is it like living in employee housing at the Peruvian

41:00:  Getting married young

44:08:  What’s his appearance at this point and sticking out on the mountain

47:46:  Pyramid Gap and the making of Sage’s career

57:00:  TGR helps land Rossignol, Smith and The North Face as sponsors and movies

61:00:  Partying with the Jones’

64:21:  When and how does he get on Atomic?

71:00:  Human powered trips, yoga and health

73:30:  Projects he wished he could have been a part of and art

79:00:  The changing ski media

82:00:  How long can he do it and looking to his peers   

Nov 6, 2017

When Matt Sterbenz finished at the U  of M, he left the Midwest in search of bigger mountains that would help him achieve his goal of becoming a pro skier.  When Matt turned his dream into a reality, he could finally peak behind the curtains of the ski industry.  When he realized he didn’t like what he saw, he decided take matters in own hands.  He starts 4FRNT Skis as a vehicle to help evolve the sport he loves and after 15 years of no profit, is forced to sell. On the podcast Matt shares all the details and how the future looks for the Jason Levinthal owned, 4FRNT.


Matt Sterbenz Show Notes

1:15:   Matt is at the old office and 4FRNT is moving headquarters.  What is the new space for?

3:45:  Tinkering and Eric Hjorleifson.

5:45:  Growing up and skiing in Chicago.

8:43:  Going to three high schools

10:11:  Evo (listen for special offer) and (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS 15)

11:30:  Sports and skiing moguls

17:56:  Summer camps and being inspired by Whistler and the people

22:44:   RESQWATER and Sierra At Tahoe    

24:10:  What happened to Camp of Champions in Matt’s opinion

26:40:  Getting sponsored by Fischer Skisi and making his skis twin tips

30:41:  Graduating from U of M and driving straight to Squaw Valley and working in the parking lot.  What do his parents think?

33:31:  The state of skiing 17 years ago when he was in Squaw

36:36:  Validating skiing in the Midwest and what that scene was like

38:24:  How does he make his first pair of 4FRNT Skis?

42:00   Signing an exclusive with a factory in LA and starting the 4FRNT.  Working with other factories and brands and making skis in Africa.

45:25:  Naming his first ski after himself

47:00:  How did the industry react to him launching the brand?

49:20:  Building the business, making money, athlete owners and the struggle

54:45:  The details around the final days of Sterbenz owned 4FRNT Skis, what’s happening to their dealers  and the future with Jason Levinthal


Oct 30, 2017

Howard Katkov is doing something that’s never been done in the ski industry with his “Fight the Man, Own the Mountain Campaign.” He started as a surfer then became a student, lawyer, developer, manufacturer, corporate executive and for over a decade, he’s   been the owner of RED Mountain.  Now, he’s creating the opportunity for everyone to own a piece of what he and many others think is the best skiing in North America.  Find out his story and all about owning RED.

Howard Katkov Show Notes:

2:15:  Growing up and surfing

5:15:  High School without his parents and skiing

6:35:  College, Law School

10:00: Evo (listen for special offer) and (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS 15)

11:34:  Starting a Law Firm right out of Law School and then starting a development firm and doing huge deals and then the 1990’s hit

14:09:  The Makeup business, selling to Estee Lauder and going to work for them

17:40:  Skiing and life at that point

19:24:  How did he hear about RED Mountain, going there and buying property

20:51:  RESQWATER and Sierra At Tahoe

22:00:  Rossland and the community and the mountain

25:26:  What made him buy RED Mountain? How did the locals react?

31:04:  What projects has he completed at RED since he bought it?

33:20:  The consolidation of the ski industry and how they make their money

38:33:  Fight the Man, Own the Mountain

Oct 23, 2017

Nate Bozung was once the young buck on Forum Snowboards who oozed style.  He fully embraced the rockstar lifestyle and rode with it.  Nate created brands, owned companies, traveled the world, blew money, and lived the drinking life to the fullest.  Now, Nate is back in Utah, living a life of moderation (for Nate) and figuring out what to do next.


Nate Bozung Show Notes:

1:30:  What is Nate up to now, going to a wedding and snowboarding 

4:00:  Growing up in CA and being Mormon

7:21:  Team sports, skiing, and skateboarding 

9:38:   Evo (listen for special offer) and (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS 15)

11:31:  Moving to Utah and meeting with Jordan Mendenhall

13:02:  Getting into snowboarding getting noticed and getting on Forum

15:00:  What were the Forum days like?

16:43:  How teams and snowboarding has changed

19:00:  Super model types that he’s into and Hollywood

22:28:  How do things end with Forum?

24:34:  RESQWATER is Proactive Recovery.

25:00:  Nate doing it on his terms

27:53:  Nate at contests and video parts:  True Life

30:26:  TechNine and DC and how much is he making as a pro snowboarder

33:17:  Quitting DC and being stuck in Canada

35:27:  When does he become Boznutz and Matty Ryan

38:15:  Getting robbed in Russia

39:54:  Tattoos and Drugs

44:18:  The reality tv show that never made it to tv

46:50:  Greece, Barcelona, NYC and Alcohol

49:35:  What are people’s reaction to Nate

51:09:  Mental hospitals and losing his house

55:00:  His social media persona and how friends and family react?

57:38:  Rehab and being judged

61 :23:  What is next for Nate?









Oct 16, 2017

Scott Stevens is one of the most creative snowboarders out there and his skills on a trampoline are second to none.  He’s not a household name but he should be.  Instead, he’s a blue-collar snowboarder who is comfortable in front of the camera, not crowds.  I caught up with Scott at High Cascade Snowboard Camp to talk about his life and career. 

Scott Stevens Show Notes

2:27:  Scott’s history at High Cascade Snowboard Camp and who influenced him

4:00:  Who rides like him in snowboarding

6:25:  Defenders of Awesome and innovating every year

8:07:  Who is he inspired by today:  Cole Navin

9:06:  Sponsors for Scott today:  Capita, Smith, 32, Coal, Union, Magical GogoTheory Skateshop

10:10:  Evo (listen for special offer) and (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS 15)

11:44:  Growing up in Massachusetts and family

12:36:  Played baseball year-round through high school

14:00:  His dad takes him for lessons at Mt Tom

15:00:  The Capita team

16:00:  Did he ever ski? And how did snowboarding take over

17:52:  Skateboarding and eating habits and working out

18:50:  OCD, hockey tempers and using cameras

21:11:  RESQWATER is Proactive Recovery.

21:54:  Who is Scott in High School?  Does he know he wants to be a pro and how often is he riding?

25:54:  Mini Shredding and it wasn’t looked at as that cool

26:27:  When did sponsors happen for him and the growth of social media and being an early adopter to internet videos

29:42:  Moving to Utah and now in Portland

32:33:  Injuring his shoulder again and beating up your body

34:40:  His trampoline skills and self-motivation.  Here is an edit

37:25:  Money, partying, and the industry

41:01:  The nickname Sleepy

42:11:  What’s to expect this season

Oct 9, 2017

Scot Schmidt is a legend in mountain towns across the globe.  He blazed a trail that inspired generations of skiers and created a way for ski athletes to monetize their talents outside of competition.    From learning to ski in Montana to moving to Squaw Valley with the goal of making the US Ski Team…. Skiing was “It” for him.   When money became a barrier to making the team, found himself shooting with local photographers and, eventually, traveling the world in the pursuit of good snow.

1:25:  What is Scot Schmidt up to in the offseason

3:00:  Growing up in Montana and how he got into skiing and skateboarding

5:45:  Joining the Bridger Bowl Ski Team, competitiveness, and HS

9:45:  What his parents think of him choosing to ski over everything else

11:18:   Evo (listen for special offer) and (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS 15)

12:51:  Moving to Squaw Valley with nothing

14:40:  Has he always been the quiet guy?  Did that impact his ski career?

15:45:  Racing in Squaw Valley and being the janitor for the race team

18:00:  Quitting racing and transitioning into magazine and Warren Miller films

20:20:  Products of the past and how it impacted style in skiing

23:56:   RESQWATER

24:40:  Getting a letter from Warren Miller that changes his life

26:26:  Being broke when he wasn’t traveling

29:14:  The North Face partnership, Stockli  K2 (and how the relationship fell apart)  Salomon

34:04:  Meeting Greg Stump at events and not really feeling his movies and then agreeing to do Blizzard

35:44:  Glen Plake  being a liability and his relationship with Plake

39:13:  Getting on Good Morning America and being recognized in and out of ski towns

41:16:  Is he making good money skiing?

42:50:  How did skiing impact his family life?

44:00:  Life at the Yellowstone Club, the passion of Justin Timberlake and skiing every day

47:58:  Skiers that he keeps up with today and his impact on skiing





Oct 2, 2017

John Spriggs is known for many things:  Being a professional skier for over a decade, taking his basketball height and making it work in the terrain park and backcountry and, most recently, a high-profile arrest for assault and other charges.  Fresh out rehab, John now has 6 months of sobriety under his belt and he’s trying to figure out who he really is and learning strategies of how to deal with that person.  Between the alcohol and the anger issues, it’s not going to be an easy road.  And….he hasn’t given up on his pro ski career, the question is, have sponsors and fans given up on him?   


John Spriggs Show Notes

2:36:  What I have known about Spriggs over the years:  a little overview of his career

5:02:  Born and raised Denver and then moving to Vail and how Vail has changed

7:23:  Ski Club Vail and mogul contests and then the transition to Pipe and Slope

9:20:   Evo (listen for special offer) and (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS 15)10:25:  How long does it take to get good?

11:28:  Going full time in the world of twin tips:  X-Games and starting drinking at 14

15:30:  Filming with Poor Boys Productions and a party story that John doesn’t remember and more drinking and blackout talk

20:14:   RESQWATER

20:40:  Transitioning to TGR

21:10:  The Denver Big Air win:  Booze, money, family and police

23:40:  A ballpark on how many nights he’s blacked out and how many fights has he been in in his life?

25:15:  Hunter Schleper per goes on the record about his differences with Spriggs

30:30:  Injuries and other drugs

32:29:  Being a professional in the ski industry and having more sponsors than anyone along with a lot of passion for skiing

37:48:  Disagreeing on how stars are made in ski movies and his sour view on the ski industry

45:54:  Losing friends in skiing and going into a dark place and living in his truck for 3 years

49:38:  Drugs and coping and skiing at the highest level

53:40:  What happened on March 13?  Two days before the arrest

54:48:  THE CHARGES and John’s recollection of what happened that night

1:02:  What happens after Jail? Rehab, treatment, community service and 6 months clean

Sep 25, 2017

Glen Plake is the most famous skier ever, in my opinion.  While his skiing has always been top level, no matter what type of skiing he was doing at the time, he’ll always be remembered as the guy with the Mohhawk.   The guy who, along with Scot Schmidt, Mike Hattrup, and Greg Stump, created the overused word Extreme.  From arrests to celebrities to his thoughts on the state of skiing, here is the best of Glen Plake


2:00 Plakeisms:  Glen’s thoughts on global warming, the hotel (ski industry), going out into the back country, traditional skiing, and technique.  He keeps it real

9:10: Evo (listen for special offer) and (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS 15)

10:43”  Plakeisms:  Glen’s thoughts on global warming, the hotel (ski industry), going out into the back country, traditional skiing, and technique.  He keeps it real

32:57:   Patrol USA Use TPM10 at checkout on the site and get 10% off and RESQWATER

34:15:  Getting arrested with 40 pounds of Mushrooms and how Blizzard of AAhhh’s saved  him

38:00:  Being an innovator in Snowboarding in the early days with Shaun Palmer

41:00:  Hanging with Coolio, Carl Lewis, Shaun Palmer for a week

47:00:  Evander Holyfield

49:00:  Meeting Seal and realizing the connection between his music and Stumps films

55:00:  The Patrick Duffy Baja 500 story.


Photo Credit: The Glen Plake FB Page

Sep 18, 2017

Tim Eddy is one of the more positive people you'll ever meet and he happens to be a pro snowboarder with an interesting story.  He started slaying rails and rocking a persona known as T-Money when he was an up-an-comer on Burton and then he really found his true, wacky, self when he left the brand.   We talk about being an am, what it means to go pro, the financial crisis, tiny homes and more...


Tim Eddy Show Notes 

2:18:  What is the Rat Race all about? 

5:00:  From Mass to Sacramento to Truckee, getting into skateboarding,

6:00:  Finding snowboarding and being inspired and not taking snowboarding serious

9:19:  Evo (listen for special offer) and (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS 15)

10:55:  Getting sponsored as a kid by Ground Zero and Burton, who was T-Money?

14:35:  Going to a Charter School, being a responsible young kid with a little money

15:41:  Leaving Burton on his own accord, getting on Airblaster and struggling for a couple of years to build them, eventually getting on K2

20:31:  The difference between being an Am and Pro in snowboarding and having a pizza sponsor

23:06:  Patrol USA Use TPM10 at checkout on the site and get 10% off and RESQWATER

24:50:  The financial crisis and many more things change life and make Tim into who he is today

31:28:  What happens when he finally goes pro?

33:30:  Energy drinks and being positive all the time and donating to charity

35:51:  Building the Childerness (his tiny home with concrete skatepark) and then losing it 6 years later.   

Sep 11, 2017

Hana Beaman has been a professional snowboarder for half of her life.  She has been on the podium at the X Games, shredded powder in Alaska and done everything in between…but her real focus in life is finding fun.  On the podcast, we talk about her career, test tube babies, gender inequality in snowboarding, and a lot more…


Hana Beaman Show Notes

2:39:  How long has she been coming to High Cascade Snowboard Camp and Windells Camp  ?

3:31:  Growing up Big Bear Lake, her test tube sister, pirate ships, and ski tote catalogs.

6:50:  How did she get into skiing and getting her first snowboard from Tom Simms at age 6.  

9:49:  Evo (listen for special offer) and (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS 15)

14:00:   Seeing her first snowboard movie, Decade, and seeing Snow Summit as a park.

14:56:  Was she a regular high school kid and sports in high school.

16:38:  Sierra Nevada College and snowboarding and meeting the right people

17:50:  Seeing the path and dropping out of school

19:06:  Vans and the Warped Tour , Ride and team managers with crazy hands, Von Zipper, the best team she was ever on, and energy drinks.

25:05:  Patrol USA Use TPM10 at checkout on the site and get 10% off and RESQWATER

26:40:  How soon does success happen for her?

28:57:  The US Open in Vermont and other contests  

30:31:  Who did Hana look up to early on in her career?

32:54:  Being a woman in snowboarding and difference in treatment and pay

37:50:  How was she at contests mentally and meeting celebrities

40:52:  Getting frustrated with the scene and going to ride powder with Travis Rice.

45:53:  Being a pioneer on content early in her career

48:34:  The Full Moon Film

51:26:  Snowboarding today and the tricks

52:26:  Real estate and where she lives 

54:20:  What’s next for Hana  and what people said about her


Sep 4, 2017

In 1987, the (West) Seattle music scene and Easy Street Records were both in their infancy.  Both the scene and the store showed a DIY ethos that is still apparent today.  The global culture that was created by the scene was cultivated locally by the store.  There were a lot of players in Seattle, Matt Vaughan was and still is a very important one…He would never say that but he says a lot on the podcast.

Matt Vaughan Show Notes

2:43:  Major developments in the world of Easy Street,

4:30:  New Orleans and the Pearl Jam in-store that was the inspiration for Record Store Day

12:27: Evo (listen for special offer) and (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS 15)

14:08:  Growing up in Seattle with the Hattrup Family.

16:00:  Matt’s grandmother invents the surf short with Hang Ten

18:05:  Matt’s family growing up

22:12:  Matt’s mom creates Queensryche and Matt tours the world with them at 16

26:59:   Patrol USA Use TPM10 at checkout on the site and get 10% off and RESQWATER

28:38:  Matt was the Senior Class President when he wasn’t being suspended

31:45:  Working in record stores, college and how he started Easy Street.

36:18:  Surviving the first few years, dropping out of Seattle U and going all in in

38:53:  Death and music

42:37:  West Seattle in the late 80’s and the long hours of owning your own business

44:54:  What is Matt thinking now about the business, going on the road with Alice in Chains for two tours and managing bands

47:30:  Moving Easy Street to the best corner in West Seattle and a lot of music history

53:35: Giving exposure to bands that made it and the ones that had exposure handed to them

58:10:  Cowboy Coffee

1:00:  Eddie Vedder works at Easy Street to sell Ticketmaster tickets

1:04:  Winning the 2016 EV Games

1:05:  The Beastie Boys replace their stolen records at Easy Street

1:10:  The Easy Street Café opens in ‘99

1:12: The Queen Anne days and closing the store

1:19:  How has the internet impact business?

1:22:  The Café experience

1:25:  What is next in the record store business?  How does he keep Easy Street alive?

1:27:  Brands in the airport

1:28:  Who’s the most talented person he’s ever met?

1:30  Who’s the biggest asshole he’s ever tried to help out /

1:31:  What’s the nicest thing anyone’s done for Matt in his work life?

Aug 28, 2017

Andy Parry is one of the more unique skiers on the planet.  He’s an innovator, a pioneer of content creation, and the one skier who knows what the kids want….and he delivers it to them via the web on a weekly basis (for 10 seasons) with the wildly successful Line Traveling Circus web series.  Find out how Andy relied on creativity more than to talent to make his pro ski dreams come true.


Andy Parry Show Notes:

2:00:  Home renovations with Andy and the relevant things that have happened with Andy lately.  None are good

5:05:  The Line Traveling Circus

7:55:  Growing up in Victor, NY with a lot of change

10:00: How was school for Andy as he was a weird kid?

11:25:  Evo (listen for special offer) and Patrol USA Use TPM10 at checkout on the site and get 10% off 

12:57: How does Andy get into skiing?  The I hate NY Crew and backyard skiing  

16:20:  Andy’s persona on and problems with different crews

18:01:  Describing the skiing that Andy does

19:50:  Comparison to Rodney Mullen

20:15: (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS 15) and RESQWATER

22:11: Emo Bogart Section outlines who Andy was in High School and what he wishes he realized in High School

24:00:  Going to Green Mountain College and meeting the Meatheads, Line and meeting Mike Nick

26:30:  Pitching the Traveling Circus to Jason Levinthal, signing with Line and Season 1

30:00:  Lots of views little money.  Does he need an agent?

33:12:  Traveling the world and doing with not as much talent as the rest

35:16:  Moving to Colorado and working at Ruby Tuesdays and Pizza Hut

36:02:  Working with Shane McFalls

37:05:  Blowing his knee jumping a fence and rehab

38:18:  Strange fan encounters with The Traveling Circus and getting noticed

39:25:  Having a lot more fun than other people

40:28:  Getting a Sprinter Van,  how gross the van gets and breaking down

42:19: Channeling his inner Plake with the Tell a Friend Tour

45:07:  The lifestyle not seen on The Traveling Circus and what he doesn’t like about who he travels with .

48:13:  Wanting to be remembered as a legend

Aug 19, 2017

Brian Aragon’s life sounded like a dream until he realized it wasn’t.  He was a world champion pro skater and his video parts were as legendary as his park skills.  He’s traveled the world many times over, had 6 Pro Model skates, and a skatepark named after him all before the age of 30…. And then he rolled away from it all to become the Inside Account Manager over at Arrow Electronics.  Find out why on the podcast


Brian Aragon Show Notes:

2:03:   What is a typical Monday for Brian and what does he do?

3:56:  Retiring in his prime

5:39:  Growing up in Brighton Colorado

7:50:  Skateboarding and Rollerblading in 1998ish

9:00:  Skating takes over in Colorado and progression

11:30:  The impact of the ASA and the pros he’s looking up to at the time

14:12:   Evo (listen for special offer) and Patrol USA Use TPM10 at checkout on the site and get 10% off 

15:30:  Getting sponsored by the Skatebarn, traveling to contests

18:12:  Trying to get Brian on K2

20:14:  Qualifying for the ASA Pro Tour and focusing on skating All-The-Time

23:00:  Rookie of the Year and living on ASA checks

24:45: (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS 15) and RESQWATER

26:00:  When does he start getting paid to skate?  The Hoedown

29:49:  The biggest contests he skated and his contest mentality and pressure

34:20:  Park skating and street skating at the highest level

35:00:  Video Parts, travel, and the video part he’s most proud of:  Game Theory

36:55:  Skating for Razors Skates

39:40:  Fan moments on the road

40:52:  Brian and the conversation around his style and judging

44:20:  Looking back on being a young kid traveling with delinquents 

45:20:  Moving to California, pro skates and school

49:01:  His thoughts on Razors getting into scooters

52:42:  Thoughts on the future of skaters still in the game

53:43:  Anything blading related in Brian’s future? 

55:18:  Brian Aragon Skatepark

56:45:  Walking away on top and starting at the bottom 

59:51:  When was the last time he skated?

Aug 14, 2017

Bryce Phillips is as modest as they come for a guy that built an empire that helped change the landscape of retail in action sports.  From his humble beginnings as a first grade entrepreneur in Oregon to his professional ski career, to the ups and downs of EVO, Bryce has earned everything he’s built.


2:15:  What is going on in Bryce’s life this week?

2:48:  Recently breaking his back

3:45:  Growing up in Roseburg, OR and what childhood was like

6:00:  Tough lessons learned as a kid that impact who he his today

8:00:  Sports as kid and how Bryce got into skiing in 5th grade

9:47:  Buying and selling stuff as a kid

12:18  Evo (special offer) and (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS 15) 

13:23:  Bryce getting in trouble when he was a kid and what made him change

14:21:  College at SPU and bringing the hustle north and setting up school to ski

16:00:  Showrooms in the dorms, internship at K2, and splitting time in Whistler

18:00:  Buying and selling in Whistler and finding Ebay

19:10:  Heavy Hitting Films, comps and managing school

21:09:  Buying houses in a crazy market

22:10:  Patrol USA Use TPM10 at checkout on the site and get 10% off and RESQWATER

23:25:  Sponsorships that fit who Bryce is and what he wants to accomplish during his “B” ski career.   . 

25:28:  The risk, highlights, and lowlights in his ski career

28:31:  Evo as a bunch of pop up stores on the side of the road 

30:12:  Building the empire and the Great 8

33:04:  Opening a storefront and building community

34:36:  The challenges of retail and getting into real estate

35:34:  The financial crisis, its impact on Bryce, and raising funds to stay alive

38:58:  Creating The Pass Life and Evolution Projects

41:02:  The web is much more difficult than what people once thought and why retailers die

43:00:  How many hours is Bryce putting in these days and how much is he traveling?

44:40:   Who is Bryce inspired by?


Aug 7, 2017

Blake Paul came to High Cascade Snowboard Camp with his “Lick the Cat” crew this summer and Blake was the first casualty.  A dislocated collarbone forced Blake off the hill and onto the podcast.  We talk about the injury, growing up in Jackson Hole, Aaron Robinson, and getting to be a sponsored snowboarder. 

Blake Paul Show Notes

2:00:  What happened to Blake’s shoulder?

3:23:  How long has Blake been coming to Windells and HCSC?

4:27:  Who did he look up to when he was a camper?

6:15:  Scaring children at camp

8:00:  Moving from the sticks of Vermont to Jackson Hole

9:17:  How was Jackson when he arrived there in terms of being able to live compared to today?

12:05:  How his riding evolved in Jackson

12:57:  Who are Blake’s sponsors? The North Face, Dragon, GNU, Vans, Drink Water, Jackson Hole Mountain Resort, Bluebird Wax

13:26:  Evo (listen for special offer) and Patrol USA Use TPM10 at checkout on the site and get 10% off 

14:24:  Gelande Quaffing

15:45:  How did “The Backcountry Prince” get his nickname?

17:03:  Becoming friends with Aaron Robinson and what happens when Aaron dies in Chile.

23:00: (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS 15) and RESQWATER

24:13:  Who introduced Blake to snowboarding and how did he come up in snowboarding?

25:22:  Who was the first person to notice Blake?  Mark Carter and Bryan Iguchi

29:31:  When did he get his first cover?

30:30:  Was there any thought of college?

33:30:  Filing things that aren’t just backcountry

35:30:  His art, writing and products 

37:28:  Giving up his freedom and what he has seen on the road

39:59:  What’s next for Blake?

Jul 31, 2017

Not too many professional snowboarders, or race car drivers, come from the streets of Great Falls, VA.  Tristan Herbert is the only person I know to have owned both those titles along with a few others.  A naturally gifted athlete who always seems to land on his feet, Tristan has used up more than a few of his nine lives on his way to running the US Race Programs for Lamborghini and Audi.  It’s a story full of injuries that changed Tristan’s career path time after time.


Tristan Herbert Show Notes

2:00:  What is Tristan up to at Audi?  Travel, responsibilities, and everything else.

4:00:  Why Tristan is the ideal candidate to wear the suit for Audi but still understand everything that the race team has been through.  He is also the logo police based on his prior career as a graphic designer.

6:00:  Born in Leesburg and growing up with a charmed life in Great Falls, VA and realizing it was a total bubble to grow up into

8:00:  Taking a year off after high school, riding Mt. Snow, getting on the Budweiser Ariel Assault Tour and enrolling at Keene State and how that was a strange college experience.

10:35:  Evo (listen for special offer) and Patrol USA Use TPM10 at checkout on the site and get 10% off  

12:25:  The pressure and risk of snowboarding today and what happened when you got injured on the Budweiser Tour.

15:00:  The day Tristan decided to jump out of the back of pick-up truck going 100 MPH and treating everyday like it is his last after going through that.

20:25: (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS 15) and RESQWATER


21:25:  The first career changing injury for Tristan happens on his motorcycle and ends any hope of a pro snowboarding career.  Three years later he tries to ride and does his tib/fib.  He’s back on his board now.

24:55:  Moving to DC after college and starting to race motorcycles and then how does he transition to race cars?

25:00:  Getting sponsors, winning Am Championships and then winning a pro race that he was “lucky” to be invited to.

26:40:  How is he able to pull off racing while working full time at a design firm?

29:00:  Turning his passion into a career based on his athlete skills, driver skills and marketing background. A crazy interview opportunity turns into a gig as the Lamborghini Motor Sports Manager.  His whole life changes here.

31:10:  Moving on to Audi in 2014 to manage their US R8 program.

32:00:  Is he still able to race now that he is a suit at Audi?

32:40:  Link to Tristan’s brake failure video

33:25:  Link to Tristan driving through carnage like Cole Trickle and T-Boning someone at 100 MPH.

35:00:  What is next with Audi?  Launches, races…….

Jul 24, 2017

Cole Seely’s road to Supercross stardom is a lot different than most.  It starts in an apartment in California, where his parents put everything they have into Cole’s career….and then Cole quits racing at 16.  When he returns months later, the pressure is lifted and it all comes together for Cole.  He consistently places in the top 5 in 250 class and then moves up to 450’s.  Right now, Cole is at the top of his game and at 27, the next few years should define his career. 

Cole Seely Show Notes

1:40:  What is Cole doing in West VA and how are the injuries healing up?

4:33:  Where he’s lived and moving to Florida for intense training. 

7:44:  Riding a bike for the first time without training wheels at 3 years old and BMX

9:00:  How did he get into moto and was it a struggle for the family to make moto happen for Cole?

10:48: Why did Cole quit moto and what was High School like for him?

14:00:  What did sponsors and family think when he quit?

15:01:  Coming back with nothing to lose and trying to land a spot on a team

16:00:  Cole’s Sponsors:  Honda, Alpinestars, Spy, Adidas, Troy Lee Designs, Stance and many more

16:39:  Evo (listen for special offer) and (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS 15) 

17:40:  How does he turn pro in 2009?

18:52:  Racing at altitude and wrecking himself in SLC in 2012

21:44:  How much is he traveling during an average year?

23:30:   Patrol USA Use TPM10 at checkout on the site and get 10% off and RESQWATER

25:11:  Getting second in 2014 and how he dealt with that

26:05:  Being part of a factory team and not having that luxury

27:09:  2015 racing 450’s, winning his first race, and adjusting

28:25:  Does Cole party at all in a world where people like to get loose?

30:40:  Conflict on the track.  Rubbin is Racin

Jul 17, 2017

For most of JT Holmes’ 20+ years as a professional athlete, he’s been looked at as a pro skier and he still has that title.  These days JT moonlights as a wingsuit pilot, off-road racer, and stuntman, all at a professional level.  He’s worked to achieve some great things in the mountains, air, and on the big screen over the years while experiencing more loss (people doing what they love) than anyone I know.  JT lives in a world of risk and he gets ‘real’ talking about death, his avalanche, and his career in general.

JT Holmes Show Notes

2:58:  JT’s racing career is coming together and he’s winning.  He even has sponsors (for cars and his other pursuits) and wins money.  Red Bull, Squaw Valley,  Polaris, Urban Armor Gear BF Goodrich  Head Skis,

7:04:  Born in Boston but a 100% Californian at heart.  Palo Alto is home for JT’s formative years

9:00:  Growing up the son of a doctor who was into rad shit

9:50:  What is the scar on JT’s lip?

10:50:  What sports did JT play growing up?

12:04:  Moving to Squaw Valley Academy and that life

13:12:  Evo (listen for special offer) and Patrol USA Use TPM10 at checkout on the site and get 10% off

14:00:  Being on a team was a means to an end for JT, Jonny Moseley and realizing he wasn’t that good at moguls

17:10:  An encounter with Shane McConkey and Jeff McKittrick that put JT on a path that he is still on today

21:40:  JT is wise beyond his years at 14 years old and evaluates the options of how he can become a professional skier

24:23:  JT decides freeskiing is his path to professionalism and contests are the way to get noticed and Kirkwood in 1998 is what puts JT on the map

24:30: (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS)  and RESQWATER

28:17:  Going back to public school and graduating in 3 years at 16 years old

28:53:  Getting his first sponsorship outside of his freestyle program while skiing in a tie and sweater

31:00:  Being on K2 and moving on to Volkl and then reaching out to brands and people to make sponsorships (Sessions) and shoots happen.  Getting his first checks

38:00:  How did his and Shane’s relationship evolve though nerding out on gear and Shane fueling JT’s increasing interest in parachutes.

40:33:  JT’s first BASE jump (Chris Davenport, Aaron McCgovern, Jeff McKittrick, Othar Lawrence and  Shane)  in 2002 with absolutely zero experience with skydiving or BASE minus one illegal tandem jump when his was 16 in NZ

43:49:  Learning to BASE jump (50 jumps) with Jimmy Freeman

46:10:  How important are his gut feelings to what he does for a living and big airs with Julian Carr

48:57:  Shane taking things too far and the funniest McConkey story I’ve never heard

53:00:  Looking back on Shane’s accident, what would he do differently now that he’s had time to evaluate everything

56:11:  JT is a professional in airborne sports and he does not endorse them

58:30:  Has JT been to therapy for the losses he’s witnessed and experienced?

59:23:  Living through an avalanche.  JT is buried for almost 7 minutes in 2016

Jul 10, 2017

In a world of big personalities, adrenalin fueled exploits and high risk, Andy Farrington is the calm voice of reason.  The youngest member of The Red Bull Air Force, Andy is looked at as the quiet, badass who can pilot a wingsuit like no-other.  From cancer at age 2 to 25,000 skydives at age 33, to wingsuits and Hollywood, nothing can stop Andy Farrington

Andy Farrington Show Notes

1:51:  His last big trip to Jordan with Miles Daisher

3:20:  His family history of skydiving starting with a downed plane in the war

6:54:  Checking skydiving off their bucket list

7:44:  Jumping in the womb and growing up with skydiving in the blood

9:36:  Cancer at two years old

11:48:  Making money in skydiving in the 90’s

12:07:  What sports did he play growing up?  Traveling the world for Paraskiing with his parents

13:40:  How many kids in the Farrington family and what’s the craziest thing that happens when the family gets together?

15:19:  Who sponsors Andy these days.  Red Bull, Squirrel Wingsuits, Smith and K2

16:20:  Evo (listen for special offer) and (Listen for 10% off your first order with DCS 15) 

17:56:  How are they traveling all over the world on a skydiver’s salary?

19:09:  Getting his first tandem jump in Austria at age 12 and then waiting for four years to really jump while dreaming of being a skysurfer

22:46:  Jumping 16 times on his 16th birthday

24:20:  Spending his life in the air and close calls

27:00:  How many people close to him has he lost and what does he think of the risk?

29:40:  How has technology changed everything that he’s doing? How has it changed in wingsuits?  The flying up video

32:19:  How has proximity flying upped the game?

33:18:  Being in the movies:  Transformers, Godzilla, Iron Man

37:00:  Speed riding and when he started doing it and the Red Bull Unrideables

39:17:  Red Bull Aces and how competitions change the game

42:58:  What’s next?  How do you push it?

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